As the Area Directors for Club Z! In-Home Tutoring Services, we are extremely proud of the tutoring services we have been providing local families. Our approach has been very simple, one-on-one tutoring for a more personal learning experience that gets results quickly. It will always be the core of our business regardless of the current learning environment brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are successful because we hire quality tutors and match them with families like yours.
As a locally owned small business here in Orange County we understand that we need to be flexible and adaptable as times change. Our ability to respond quickly during this challenging time allows us to be innovative in our approach to helping students. Due to the current situation of “social distancing” and to protect your families and our tutors, we are moving, on a temporary basis, to an online learning platform. Our tutors are going to be trained on a variety of free platforms that are available for them to use during a tutoring session. Like anything that is new, the tutors will be exploring which “tool” works best for them so they can deliver a quality tutoring session with your child. Some platforms being considered include, Skype, Zoom, AWWAP, BIT and Facebook. Each of these platforms is completely free for anyone who uses them and there are add-ons that can be used with each of them. A true example of our ability to be adaptable. The flexibility piece is our ability to do these sessions at times that work for you and your child.
Regardless of when the schools reopen, the impact of this break will be profound to many students. If projections from the state hold true, this break could last between 4-6 weeks. Much like the summer recess, regression will take hold for many students and teachers will be challenged in reviewing material completed during the break and then, try to move forward. As a member of the Club Z! family you are in a prime position to ensure that regression will not happen for your child. The ability to continue to build their confidence will lead to a successful school year even with this disruption.
We encourage you to continue tutoring through our online platform. For more information please reach out to us at (845) 238-4585 or email me at
We Thank You and appreciate your trust. We are committed to helping your child and earning your business each and every day.
Best wishes,
Michael Coyne & Felicia Van Doran
Area Directors