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Students are studying harder – not smarter



This past school year has been anything but normal.  Students lost almost 1/3 of their in-classroom instruction, teachers had to modify lessons to an online platform almost overnight and parents had to become home school professionals.  With regular teaching models being disrupted, students will return in the fall and not necessarily be ready.  That readiness will impact their performance as teachers will need not only to recap the “loss learning” students experienced but, move forward with new material as required by state standards.

Studying effectively used to be a required class in schools but has been removed due to the lack of funding, additional state requirements in the classroom and other obligations.  The use of proper studying skills will help –

  1. Increase confidence, competence, and self-esteem
  2. Reduce anxiety about tests and deadlines
  3. Cut down on the hours spent on studying
  4. Become more productive in the classroom and school assignments
  5. Develop independence in handling tasks

Many students struggle because they are not sure where to begin, but just having a starting point is not enough.  Having a well-defined process in how you do your schoolwork makes learning less of a challenge and frustration levels for students, teachers and parents get lowered.

At Club Z! we understand that no student wants to struggle.  The pressure to do well can have a crippling impact and be reflective in their grades.  The attached article explains the power of a great study skills program and the positive impact it will have on a student.  We encourage you to read it and see if your child may benefit from a study skills program before they get back to school in the fall.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at (845) 378-1448

NY Post Study Skills