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New York State Summer 2019 Regents Schedule

How did you do on your NYS Regents exams in June?

The NYS Regents exams are offered three times a year but the summer courses are limited and always in August.  For some, the August exams are an opportunity to either improve their grades or, try and pass them a second time.  Whatever your reason to do them in August, preparing for them is key if you want to succeed.

If you need help in preparing for these exams, Club Z! of Orange County can partner you with a highly qualified tutor who will work with you and show you the strategies you need in order to pass.  For more info in getting a Club Z! tutor, please call (845) 378-1448 to get started.



Here below is your summer NYS Regents exam schedule.  If taking one of these exams, please be sure to reach out to your guidance department to schedule your test date.