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Tutoring Helps! What happens when your student uses a tutor?

Parents choose private academic coaching, or tutoring, for many reasons. For some parents, their students are more receptive to and outside resource, others may not feel comfortable enough in their ability to help their student. Tutoring often comes at a critical breaking point for families and others are more proactive in finding ways to help their students grow.

Whatever the path that leads to hiring a tutor, making the decision and finding the right person is often the best thing a parent can do for their student and their family. Tutoring provides individualized attention that the student isn’t able to receive in an often-overcrowded classroom. Not only does it help struggling students gain a stronger foothold, but often it is used for students who may not be challenged enough. Tutoring will also help keep students on track over a break or the summer so slides in their abilities either don’t occur or occur minimally.

Improved Academic Performance!
The most recognized benefit is academic improvement. Each student has a different set of needs and individualized tutoring programs work to reinforce what students are learning in the classroom. You may hire a private pitching or batting coach to help, why not apply this thought process to your student’s academic life.

Creates a better Foundation!
In addition to working with your student on their subject matter, a great tutor will also help them to develop good foundational skills such as study habits, time management,
information gathering, and stronger communication and listening skills. These skills are paramount to not only their academic life, but life skills in general.

Build Confidence!
Working one-on-one or as a part of a small group, with a consistent tutor, creates an environment that your student will feel more comfortable asking questions. This also allows them to share ideas, relay that they don’t understand and improve their attitude towards learning.

Unique Learning Experience!
Your student will receive a customized program that is unique to them. This experience is not always able to be achieved in a classroom. Your student’s private academic coach will customize the lessons and learning activities specific to your student’s needs.

Improves Work and Study Habits!
While your student is working with their tutor, they will also work on foundational elements revolving around study habits and good work ethics. These skills become a baseline that they will use for life – even beyond school.

Encourages Independence!
Having your student gain the ability to do the school work on their own, is paramount to their growth and independence. As they realize their own personal growth, they will also learn to take responsibility for their own schoolwork and studies.

Our tutors will provide services targeting multiple facets of success. Students learn in all different manners so building a customized program for each student is the best way to achieve the best results in helping your student to grow and learn. Find out how we can help. Reach out by calling 412-348-8599 for more information.


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