As we get close to the holidays, it also means we’re getting closer to finals week. While that can be a really stressful time in any student’s life, it doesn’t have to be. If your child starts reviewing their material a few weeks in advance, it will make their preparation much less overwhelming and more beneficial. Hiring a tutor is a great way to aid in your child’s studies and keep them on track for finals time. If they’re looking to ace their exams and stay stress-free, here are some ways a tutor can help during finals time:
They’ll Help You Prioritize:
A heavy course load can mean juggling lots of different subjects to study for come finals time. Tutors can help your child learn ways to prioritize your studying, making the most of their time. The idea of having to tackle the material for all of their subjects can seem daunting to say the least. Working with a tutor can help them determine which subject they need the most help in, what test they have the most time to prepare for and which final will require the most prep. Focusing on one subject at a time during each tutoring session will help ensure that they can fully learn one subject before moving on to the next.
They’ll Help You Focus:
It’s very easy to become distracted or lose momentum when studying on your own. Small distractions that pop up can easily derail your child’s studying flow, making it hard to get back on track. Tutors are great at keeping your child focused and in the zone before their eyes glaze over! If your child’s tutor sees them getting burned out on one subject, or that they’re becoming frustrated with a certain topic, they are skilled at switching gears and adapting to the situation, so that your child gets the most out of every tutoring session.
They’ll Make Learning Fun:
Reading the same passages over and over again is a sure fire way to make your child burnout from studying. Tutors can create quizzes, think of acronyms, incorporate flashcards or even make a game out of learning new material. Some tutors also believe that your child should be rewarded when they get an answer right or master new material–and who wouldn’t want to enjoy a piece of candy for a job well done? When your children is enjoying what they’re learning, they are more likely to retain the information, resulting in higher grades in the classroom. Sometimes having a fun study buddy is all your child needs to help them conquer their finals!
Is your child overwhelmed with the thought of their upcoming finals? Ease their fears and help them ace their tests with a little help from Club Z! We’re here to give every individual student the tools and skills they need to reach their true potential.We’re proud to serve the Santa Monica, Venice, Brentwood and Pacific Palisades area of Los Angeles. To learn about how Club Z! can make a difference in your child’s education, visit us here or give us a call at 424-214-0709. Don’t forget to connect with us on Facebook and Twitter too!