Home / 20th ClubZ Tutoring Anniversary: 20 Year Perspective on History

20th ClubZ Tutoring Anniversary: 20 Year Perspective on History

For many of us, particularly those of us with children, years can sometimes seem to pass as quickly as months! So remembering what happened in history 20 years ago can be difficult to do. But if you have ever flown in or out of the Denver International Airport in Denver, CO, you might be surprised to learn that it celebrates its 20th anniversary this year as well. Or if you sat in front of your television during prime time hours and bid farewell to Uncle Jesse and Uncle Joey, or Michelle with her "you've got it, dude" attitude, then you might recall that the popular television show Full House finished 20 years ago.   If you're a frequent visitor of eBay® (then known as AuctionWeb), you might be surprised to learn that it went live in 1995. Or perhaps you remember taking your children to see Pixar®'s Toy Story in the movie theaters, because it opened in 1995 as well.   And there were several unimaginably sad and untimely events in history 20 years ago, such as the parallelization of the late Christopher Reeve, best known for having played Superman in the 1980's movies of the same title. Or the unbearably tragic Oklahoma City bombing, which took so many innocent lives and left an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of the American public.   Yes, it's hard to believe these things took place 20 years ago. For a more detailed list, check out this article from Time.com. What will we look back on in another 20 years? Only time will tell!
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No matter how you look at it, college is an expensive proposition these days. Both public and private colleges and universities have had to raise fees and tuition as costs have increased. As a result, college student debt has skyrocketed and many students end up with loan payments years, sometimes even decades, after graduation. But with some careful planning and creative thinking, there are lots of other ways to help pay for college and avoid being stuck with big loan payments after graduation. One final but important step in the college application process is to include an application for financial aid.

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