Home / 5 Fast and Effective Stress Relieving Tips for Mom

5 Fast and Effective Stress Relieving Tips for Mom

Being a mother is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world! But it is also arguably one of the most difficult. Sure, you get paid in hugs and kisses, and your refrigerator is covered in adorable crafts and love letters from your kids, but it isn't always sunshine and roses. There are endless school requirements like homework and projects, extracurricular activities that have you running around town like a taxi driver, and don't even get us started on the challenges of potty training your little ones or having "the talk" with your bigger ones. Bottom line - the job of a mom comes with a lot of inherent stress. But you have to remember to take care of yourself if you're going to continue to be the awesome mom you already are to your kids. So here are 5 stress-busters that any mom can use:   1. Exercise. Yes, we know this is much easier said than done, but exercise has proven to be highly effective at improving mood and fighting stress. Time is a commodity most moms simply don't have enough of, but even a 5 minute walk around the block, to pick up the mail, or walk the family pet, can have a far-reaching, stress-busting impact! 2. Talk to Other Moms. It's important to make time to communicate with other moms. Not only is the adult conversation stimulating, but it also helps you to feel less isolated when you can share experiences, best practices, and sometimes even a funny story about your kids. 3. Make an Escape. This can be literal, as in taking a vacation day for mom where you engage in activities you enjoy or a day of pampering; or it can be figurative, as in reading a long overdue book, or watching a movie you've been dying to see. Taking a break from the day-to-day can be extremely refreshing, and help recharge your batteries. 4. Take a Hot Bath or Shower. Even if the only time to do this is at the end of the day when all of your kids are fast asleep, it will be well worth the wait! The heat, the bubbles, the priceless silence, all working together to help reenergize and refresh you. What are you waiting for?! 5. Have a Girls Night Out. Chances are, you aren't alone in your need to de-stress. So call up your girlfriends, get your babysitters lined up, and have a night out! Even if it's as simple as appetizers at a local hot-spot you've been meaning to try, getting out with your best girlfriends can be just the thing you all need to burn off some stress.   Whatever you prefer, make sure to always make time for mom. If you need more ideas, check out this article from FamilyEducation.com.
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