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How Do I Know My Child Needs a Tutor?

If you are asking yourself, "how do I know if my child needs a tutor?" you're not alone. School has been in session for most of the country for at least 6-8 weeks, and by now parents have a pretty good idea of how the school year is going for their children. If you believe your child might need some extra help with homework, test preparation, improving study and organizational skills, or just building academic self-confidence, one-on-one tutoring may help! According to this Parents article, 6 Signs Your Child Needs a Tutor, common situations include "slipping grades, not managing time well, being consistently confused, lacking confidence, decreasing parental supervision, and possible learning disabilities." If you believe that your child may have one or more of these factors impacting their classroom grades, it may be time to call a tutoring professional such as Club Z! Is Tutoring Only for Struggling Students? Tutoring is not only for struggling students! Even if your child does not appear to be experiencing a challenge at school, a few hours a week with a qualified tutor is all it takes to break the “B” barrier. For many children, an A grade in their chemistry or Algebra II course seems almost as elusive as a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. They work hard, complete all of the homework, study rigorously for exams and tests, but still have trouble earning higher than a B grade. Oftentimes, working one-on-one with a qualified tutor for just a few hours per week can help these hard working students earn the A they desperately seek. What makes the difference? Whether students are struggling to keep up, or challenging themselves to get ahead, when students work with a tutor one-on-one, they benefit from individualized attention that cannot always be provided in a crowded classroom setting. This means that their questions can be answered fully, and they can spend as much or as little time on a concept as necessary to ensure retention. And when the tutors are handpicked for each student based on personality and complementary traits, it ensures that a positive working relationship can be formed between tutor and student. This in turn leads to the student feeling more confident in a subject, and reduces anxiety for tests, quizzes and other assignments. All of which can be the difference between a good grade and a GREAT grade! It’s a common misconception for parents that tutoring is only for struggling or overwhelmed students. Tutoring can actually offer remediation or enrichment, depending on each student’s needs. Club Z! knows how beneficial a one-on-one lesson can be in helping a student break past whatever barrier is holding him or her back in school – whether it’s earning an A in a difficult course, staying on top of homework assignments and projects, or earning a top score on an AP exam. If your child could benefit from one-on-one in-home or online tutoring or test prep, call the experts at Club Z! today at 800-434-2585.
Category: Uncategorized

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