Home / Secrets to SAT Preparation: A Students’ Guide

Secrets to SAT Preparation: A Students’ Guide

If you’re a high school student in or nearing your junior or senior year and you’re thinking about going to college, this article is for you! If you’re a parent of one of these students, go get your student – although you might want to read this article first. It’s time to have The Talk…you know, about the SAT. Most of you probably already know that the SAT exam is looming large in your future, and that it’s important to do as well as you can. Now is the time to analyze how much preparation you’ve done so far, and how much more you can do before the day of your test. We’ve gathered some basic test information and a few of our best test-preparation secrets here to share. Introducing yourself to college admissions officers First of all, know that although the SAT isn’t the only college admissions criterion, it is an important one. “The SAT predicts how well students will perform academically as college freshmen. College admissions personnel use the SAT as a single, standardized means of comparison in their acceptance decisions,” says Cari Diaz, Club Z!’s Franchise Director. Your SAT score is one of the first pieces of information about you that admissions boards see, so the better the score, the better first impression you make. So, now that we’ve made you nervous, what can you expect when you sit down to take your SAT? Finding out the answer to that question is your first step toward calming those nerves and becoming well-prepared instead. Sections and scoring The modern SAT exam tests your knowledge and thinking skills in mathematics, critical reading, and writing. You will receive individual scores for each of these three test areas, with 800 points being the highest possible score in each. The highest possible overall SAT score is now 2400. (Parents may notice that the exam’s scoring has recently changed.) The SAT has ten sections:
  • Six 25-minute multiple-choice sections testing mathematics, critical reading, and writing skills
  • Two 20-minute multiple-choice sections, also testing mathematics, critical reading, and/or writing skills
  • One 10-minute writing section in multiple-choice format
  • One 25-minute essay
One of the 25-minute sections is unscored and is used simply to test students’ responses to future SAT questions. You’ll want to find out much more information about the types of questions you can expect in each section, and one of the best ways to do this is to start using practice SAT questions and tests for study. Club Z! secrets to SAT success
  • The best tool to help you prepare for your SATs is independent practice, following a proven study plan. Using a systematic preparation program will help you attack each test section in the most effective way possible.
  • Take lots of practice tests. They will help you prepare and feel confident on the day of the exam.
  • Find out how much time you have for each section of the exam. This will help you practice accurately and help you focus on the day of the exam.
  • Time yourself when doing practice exams. By being aware of how much time each section takes you to complete, you can plan how quickly you need to move through the questions without running out of time. Timing your practice exams is also a good technique to help reduce anxiety and the fear of "freezing up" during the actual exam.
  • Analyze your strengths and weaknesses based on your scores on practice tests. You will be able to determine the areas on which you need to spend more practice time.
  • Prepare a study calendar. Plan what time each day you will study. Focus the majority of your study time on the areas you are weakest in, but study for all sections of the exam.
  • Always keep your study time well-organized. "Organization is fundamental to creating good study habits," says Cari Diaz. "Better organization means more productive study time."
  • Our Tutoring Resources pages contain much more information about SAT structure, scoring, and test dates, along with links to practice questions and tests. For those wanting extra help, our SAT study program is also a great way to boost your scores. Tutoring can often improve standardized test scores by identifying and working with strengths, weaknesses, and testing strategies that are specific to the student. Remember, in many ways, the SAT serves as your “letter of introduction” to college admissions board. Make sure you’re putting your best foot – or your best No. 2 pencil – forward on test day!
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