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Summer Fun Activities for You and Your Kids

Sometimes being a parent feels like a never-ending juggling act - wake the kids, feed them a healthy breakfast, get them dressed, teeth brushed, hair combed, backpack ready, and in the car. Then it starts all over again after the school day ends. Parents play the role of chef, referee, cleaning crew, chauffeur, nurse, trusted advisor, and so much more! It's an exhausting job, but we wouldn't trade it for the world. Come summer however, most of us parents are just as ready for a break as our kids. Our brains and bodies are tired. We want to zone out and kick back. So if you are as ready as we are to get your summer going, but need some ideas to kick start your fun, check out these 50 fun summer activities from the writers at Real Simple magazine. They include some more obvious ideas as seeing a movie, but also some often forgotten goodies like blowing bubbles. Find your favorites and get summer-ing!   From all of the staff at Club Z!, we wish you a fun, safe, and enjoyable summer with your kids!   Article Courtesy of: http://www.realsimple.com/work-life/entertainment/summer-activities-00100000082747/index.html
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