Home / The Club Z! Advantage: No Long-Term Contracts

The Club Z! Advantage: No Long-Term Contracts

Club Z! is an academic solutions provider offering a customized learning program for each and every student. We have learning programs to fit any family’s needs and preferences – whether it’s in-home, on school campus, at the library in a small group, or even online! And our programs provide results! Whether it’s our K-12 academic assistance programs, our proven SAT/ACT prep programs, or one of our other proprietary curriculum programs like Learning Built to Last® study skills and pre-K readiness, our students see growth in a matter of weeks! But one thing Club Z! does not have: long-term contracts. We believe that each student is unique, and each student's learning program should also be unique. Our goal is to build independent learners, who are ready to tackle the rigors of their classroom with confidence! It's just one of the many things to boast about with the Club Z! Advantage.  


ONE-ON-ONE Educational experts agree – the most effective teaching method is one-on-one instruction from a qualified tutor. IN-HOME Our in-home program is designed to eliminate the competitive atmosphere associated with traditional classrooms and other large group instruction.   FLEXIBLE SCHEDULING Our tutors are available around your busy schedule – that means evenings, weekends, and even during school breaks!   AFFORDABLE RATES Our programs are priced to be some of the most competitive in the market.   NO MANDATORY, EXPENSIVE DIAGNOSTIC TESTING We will meet with you and your child to review report cards, progress reports and teacher notes and create a customized learning plan tailored to your child’s specific academic needs.   NO LONG-TERM CONTRACTS We believe that each child’s learning capacity is unique, and we regularly monitor ongoing progress so we can adjust the learning program as your child masters new skills and concepts.   SCHOOL-BASED CURRICULUM Our tutors work on your child’s curriculum to impact results where it matters most, in the classroom! In addition, our caring staff communicate with your child’s classroom teacher(s) to ensure that our program is complementing the school curriculum.   POSITIVE RESULTS! Our tutors communicate with you about your student’s progress after every session, and provide insight into how you can support your child’s academic growth between tutoring sessions. On average, our students improve 2 letter grades in just 60 days!   To learn more about the Club Z! Advantage, or to find a tutor in your area, call 800-434-2582 today.
Category: Uncategorized

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