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Using LEGO® to Learn Code

If you have kids in elementary school, you've probably heard of the Hour of Code, which is a global movement designed to give kids a one-hour introduction to computer programming. Hundreds of thousands of kids throughout North America were given an opportunity to learn computer coding through their schools this past year. With so much of the world's technology depending on computers, it makes sense to start teaching programming skills to our kids at a young age, and introducing them to the binary alphabet that computers read. But there are easy ways for parents to keep kids engaged in learning computer science during the summer months, and year round, through the use of LEGO® toys.
  • Check out the Bits and Bricks games on the LEGO® web site. These games and activities are centered around a LEGO® robot named Bit. Kids are asked to help Bit solve challenges and navigate his environment through puzzles and other code-related activities.
  • You can use downloadable worksheets for the binary alphabet, and corresponding colors of LEGO bricks and base plates to write messages.
  • For older kids, you can create a DIY code game. Start by building mini LEGO® robots and create obstacles with the bricks and base plates, using code cards to navigate through the obstacles.
The options are only limited by your imagination! Just keep those kiddos engaged and having fun while learning, and watch the creativity soar.
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