
What is an abscissa? Definitions, and Examples


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    An abscissa, also known as the x-coordinate, is a value used to describe the position of a point on a two-dimensional coordinate system. The coordinate system is made up of two perpendicular lines, known as the x-axis and y-axis, which intersect at a point called the origin. The position of a point on the coordinate system is represented by an ordered pair (x, y), where x is the abscissa and y is the ordinate.

    A point on the coordinate system can be located by moving along the x-axis to the position of the abscissa and then moving along the y-axis to the position of the ordinate. The abscissa indicates how far the point is from the y-axis, while the ordinate indicates how far the point is from the x-axis.


    • Abscissa: The x-coordinate of a point on a two-dimensional coordinate system.
    • Coordinate system: A system of lines that intersect at a point called the origin and are used to locate points in two dimensions.
    • X-axis: The horizontal line in a coordinate system.
    • Y-axis: The vertical line in a coordinate system.
    • Ordinate: The y-coordinate of a point on a two-dimensional coordinate system.


    1. The point (3, 4) has an abscissa of 3 and an ordinate of 4. This means that the point is located 3 units to the right of the y-axis and 4 units above the x-axis.
    2. The point (-2, 6) has an abscissa of -2 and an ordinate of 6. This means that the point is located 2 units to the left of the y-axis and 6 units above the x-axis.
    3. The point (0, 0) has an abscissa of 0 and an ordinate of 0. This means that the point is located at the origin, which is the intersection of the x-axis and y-axis.
    4. The point (1, -3) has an abscissa of 1 and an ordinate of -3. This means that the point is located 1 unit to the right of the y-axis and 3 units below the x-axis.
    5. The point (-5, 0) has an abscissa of -5 and an ordinate of 0. This means that the point is located 5 units to the left of the y-axis and on the x-axis.


    1. What does the abscissa represent in a two-dimensional coordinate system?
    2. What does the ordinate represent in a two-dimensional coordinate system?
    3. What is the point called where the x-axis and y-axis intersect in a coordinate system?
    4. What is the point (3, 4) located in relation to the y-axis and x-axis?
    5. What is the point (-2, 6) located in relation to the y-axis and x-axis?
    6. What is the point (0, 0) located in relation to the y-axis and x-axis?
    7. What is the point (1, -3) located in relation to the y-axis and x-axis?
    8. What is the point (-5, 0) located in relation to the y-axis and x-axis?
    9. Can a point on a coordinate system have a negative abscissa?
    10. Can a point on a coordinate system have a negative ordinate?
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