
What is Addend? Definitions, and Examples


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    An addend is a number that is added to another number in an addition problem. Addends can be any kind of number, including whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and even negative numbers.

    One of the most basic properties of addends is that they can be rearranged without changing the result of the addition problem. For example, if you have the addends 2, 4, and 6, you can rearrange them in any order you like and the result will always be the same: 2 + 4 + 6 = 6 + 4 + 2 = 4 + 6 + 2 = 12. This property is known as the commutative property of addition.

    Another important property of addends is that they can be combined or “combined” to form a larger number. For example, if you have the addends 2 and 3, you can combine them to form the number 5: 2 + 3 = 5. This property is known as the associative property of addition.

    Here are five examples of addends in action:

    1. A farmer has 5 apples and picks 3 more from his tree. The addends in this problem are 5 and 3, and the sum is 8.
    2. A student has a test score of 75 and a homework grade of 90. The addends in this problem are 75 and 90, and the sum is 165.
    3. A shop owner has $100 in the cash register and makes a $50 sale. The addends in this problem are 100 and 50, and the sum is 150.
    4. A teacher has a class of 20 students and adds 5 more at the beginning of the year. The addends in this problem are 20 and 5, and the sum is 25.
    5. A runner completes a 5K race in 25 minutes and then runs a 10K race in 50 minutes. The addends in this problem are 25 and 50, and the sum is 75.

    Now that you have a good understanding of addends, let’s test your knowledge with a quiz!


    1. What is an addend?
    2. What is the commutative property of addition?
    3. What is the associative property of addition?
    4. If a teacher has a class of 20 students and adds 5 more at the beginning of the year, what is the sum?
    5. If a shop owner has $100 in the cash register and makes a $50 sale, what is the sum?
    6. If a student has a test score of 75 and a homework grade of 90, what is the sum?
    7. If a runner completes a 5K race in 25 minutes and then runs a 10K race in 50 minutes, what is the sum?
    8. If a farmer has 5 apples and picks 3 more from his tree, what is the sum?
    9. Can addends be rearranged without changing the result of the addition problem?
    10. Can addends be combined to form a larger number?
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