There are (at least) three different types of points known as Steiner points. The point S of concurrence of the three lines drawn through the vertices of a triangle parallel to the corresponding sides of the first Brocard triangle is called the Steiner point. It lies on the circumcircle opposite the Tarry point T and has equivalent triangle center functions α | = | b c(a^2 - b^2)(a^2 - c^2) α | = | 1/(a(b^2 - c^2)).
Brianchon point | Brocard triangles | Cayley lines | circumcircle | conic section | Kiepert parabola | Kirkman points | Pascal lines | Pascal's theorem | Plücker lines | Salmon points | Steiner curvature centroid | Steiner set | Steiner's theorem | Steiner triple system | symmedian point | Tarry point