The finite difference is the discrete analog of the derivative. The finite forward difference of a function f_p is defined as Δ f_p congruent f_(p + 1) - f_p, and the finite backward difference as del f_p congruent f_p - f_(p - 1). The forward finite difference is implemented in the Wolfram Language as DifferenceDelta[f, i].
backward difference | Bessel's finite difference formula | derivative | difference table | Everett's formula | finite element method | forward difference | Gauss's backward formula | Gauss's forward formula | interpolation | Jackson's difference fan | Newton-Cotes formulas | Newton's backward difference formula | Newton's divided difference interpolation formula | Newton's forward difference formula | quotient-difference table | recurrence equation | Steffenson's formula | Stirling's finite difference formula | umbral calculus