ACT Test Prep Tutoring: In Home & Online
With Club Z! Tutoring you will receive a personalized ACT program from our exceptional in-home and online ACT tutors. The ACT is a standardized test that will allow you to get into the college you desire, if you are properly prepared. With Club Z! Tutoring we can help you every step of the way. Our ACT tutoring professionals are well trained in ACT test preparation and ACT tutoring, and are excited to help you succeed! For the past two decades, Club Z! tutoring has helped students across the country increase their ACT scores on average 3-4 cumulative points by providing our ACT Test Prep program and ACT tutoring services! Our proprietary ACT test prep and tutoring program, with our cutting edge technology allows our students to work smarter, and more efficiently!
Enrollment is now open for Z Prep! Online ACT test prep programs.
Space is limited! Register Online.
- In-depth diagnostic testing
- Detailed reporting with projected score ranges for the ACT
- 12 hours of live, online instruction
- Taught by an expert ACT instructor
- All sessions recorded in HD
- Additional self-guided video study modules
- Flexible scheduling
- Easy online access
Cost: $499 USD
Average Increase in Score for the ACT is 4 Points
All times 12 – 3 PM (EST) unless otherwise noted.
Sundays, 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27
Sundays, 5/4, 5/11, 5/18, 5/25
Sundays, 6/8, 6/15, 6/22, 6/29
Sundays, 7/6, 7/13, 7/20, 7/27
The ACT has four main sections: ACT English, ACT Math, ACT Science, and ACT Reading.
ACT Math Tutoring:
The ACT Math section is one of four sections on the ACT. You are given 60 minutes to complete 60 questions and you do not need a calculator to solve any of the problems. You are not provided a reference sheet so knowing basic formulas and concepts is essential. The math section is not ordered by topic but there are six main topics you will be questioned on: Elementary Algebra (15-20%), Intermediate Algebra (15-20%), Coordinate Geometry (15-20%), Plane Geometry (20-25%) , and Trigonometry (5-10%).
ACT English Tutoring
The first section of the ACT you will take will always be English. The ACT English section is 75 questions and you are given 45 minutes to answer, that’s only 36 seconds per question so it’s important to be strategic. There are two broad content areas you will be tested on: Usage and Mechanics (Punctuation, Grammar, Sentence Structure) , and Rhetorical Skills (Strategy, Organization, and Style). The approximate breakdown of the test is as follows: Punctuation (10-15%), Grammar and Usage (15-20%), Sentence Structure (15-20%), Strategy (15-20%), Organization (15-20%), Style (10-15%). Its is also important to note that you will not be tested on vocabulary or spelling in the ACT English section.
ACT Science Tutoring
The Science section of the ACT is 40 questions and you are given 35 minutes to answer. You will be tested on several passages with the following topics: Biology, Chemistry, Earth/Space science, and Physics. There are three types of questions: Data Representation (38% or 15 questions) which requires you to understand, evaluate, and interpret information presented in graphs, tables, or charts, Research Summary (45% or 18 questions) which requires you to understand and evaluate one or more experiment, and Conflicting viewpoints (17% or 7 questions) which requires you to understand and evaluate conflicting viewpoints.
ACT Reading Tutoring
The ACT Reading section will test you on 40 questions and you will have 35 minutes to answer, that’s roughly 52 seconds per question. You will be tested on four types of passages and there will be ten questions per passage. The types of passage are as follows: Social Studies, Natural Science, Literary, and Humanities. There will also be 5 question types that are as follows: Main Idea, Detail, Vocabulary, Function and Development, and Implied Ideas.
Club Z! has developed proprietary curriculum to help you with the ACT exam.
The Club Z! SAT Program Includes:
- Options for one-on-one and small groups intensive instruction.
- A review of what to expect on the test.
- Diagnostic testing to reveal student’s strengths and weaknesses.
- Comprehensive strategies for math, English, science and reading.
- Strategies for successfully approaching each type of question.
- Real ACT practice tests.
Our Club Z! ACT Tutors will help you get into the college you deserve! Please fill out the form above, or call 1-800-434-2582 for more information!