Coterminal Angles Definitions and Examples

Coterminal Angles Definitions, Formulas, & Examples


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    Coterminal Angles Definitions and Examples

    Coterminal Angles

    Coterminal angles are angles that are adjacent to each other on a common side. They can be easily remembered by their acronym: CA, CB, CC and CD.

    A right coterrminal angle is an angle that is located at the rightmost side of a figure.

    An exterior coterrminal angle is an angle that is located outside of the figure’s boundaries.

    An interior coterrminal angle is an angle that is located inside of the figure’s boundaries.

    What Are Coterminal Angles?

    Coterminal angles are angles that share a common vertex. There are six types of coterminal angles: internal angles, external angles, right angles, acute angles, obtuse angles, and right angled triangles.

    An example of an internal angle is the angle formed by two lines that intersect at a point inside of each other. An example of an external angle is the angle formed by two lines that intersect outside of each other. Right angles are special cases of coterminal angles; they occur when two lines meet at a point that is exactly in the middle between them. Acute and obtuse angles are also examples of coterminal angles, but their definitions differ from right angled triangles. In acute angles, one side is larger than the other; in obtuse angles, both sides are equal in size. Right angled triangles are the simplest type of coterminal angle; all three sides must be coterminal for it to exist.

    Coterminal Angles Formula

    The coterminal angles formula is a simple way to find the angles between two lines. The formula can be used to find the following angles:

    If P and Q are two points on a line and AC is the angle between P and Q, then the coterminal angle formula can be written as follows:

    AC = (PQ) · 180°

    How to Find Coterminal Angles?

    In geometry, a coterminal angle is an angle that is both equal to and adjacent to another angle. Coterminal angles are important in geometry because they can be used to determine the distances between various objects.

    To find coterminal angles, you first need to define their definitions. A cotangent is an angle that is equal to the adjacent angle but not its included angle. For example, if you have an angled surface and want to find the distance between two points on it, you would use a cotangent line to measure the distance between those points.

    The second step is to identify which of your two angles are cotangent with each other. To do this, divide the included angle by the adjacent angle:
    If both angles are acute (a sharp point at one end), then their values will be 1 and 0 respectively; if both angles are obtuse (rounded off), then their values will be less than 1.

    Once you’ve identified which of your angles is cotangent with each other, you can use these values to calculate the distances between any two points on your angled surface.

    Positive and Negative Coterminal Angles

    Positive and Negative Coterminal Angles

    Coterminal angles are formed when two intersecting lines share a common point. The angles created by these lines are always positive (or perpendicular) to each other, and the sum of the angles is 180 degrees.

    There are three types of coterminal angles: acute, right, and obtuse. Acute angles are formed when two intersecting lines come very close to each other, right angles are formed when they meet head-on, and obtuse angles are formed when one intersects the other at an angle greater than 90 degrees.

    Here are some examples of coterminal angles:

    The angle between the vertical line y=x and the horizontal line x=3 is an acute angle because it comes very close to 90 degrees. The angle between the vertical line y=x and the horizontal line x=-2 is a right angle because it meets head-on. The angle between the vertical line y=-4 and the horizontal line x=-1 is an obtuse angle because it exceeds 90 degrees.

    Coterminal Angles and Reference Angles

    Coterminal angles are pairs of angles that share a common vertex. They are also called reference angles and can be used to help you solve problems.

    To find the coterminal angle between two angles, first draw their rays from the same point, then rotate each ray so that the end points intersect in the same place. The coterminal angle is the angle between these rays.

    To find the difference in degrees between two coterminal angles, add their radii (the distance from one vertex to another).

    To find the third coterminal angle between two angles, take their sum (or average).


    In this article, we will be discussing coterminal angles and their definitions as well as examples. After reading this article, you will have a better understanding of what coterminal angles are and how to identify them in various situations.

    Coterminal Angles




    Two non-coincident plane angles α and β in angle standard position are said to be coterminal if the terminal side of α is identically the same as the terminal side of β. In general, given a plane angle α measured in radians, β is coterminal to α if and only if β = α ± 2n π for some positive integer n element Z^+. Similarly, if β is a plane angle coterminal to a plane angle α measured in degrees, then β = α ± 360n for some positive integer n element Z^+. In the event that n = 0, then α and β are coincident.

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