Anti-clockwise refers to a direction that is the opposite of clockwise. It is also known as counterclockwise. The term “clockwise” and “anti-clockwise” are used to describe circular or rotational movement, and are based on the movement of the hands of a clock.
When something moves in a clockwise direction, it moves in the same direction as the hands of a clock. When something moves in an anti-clockwise direction, it moves in the opposite direction to the hands of a clock. For example, if you are standing in front of a clock and you see the hands moving from 12 o’clock to 1 o’clock, they are moving in a clockwise direction. If the hands were moving from 1 o’clock to 12 o’clock, they would be moving in an anti-clockwise direction.
Here are five examples of anti-clockwise movement:
- The rotation of the Earth on its axis is anti-clockwise when viewed from the North Pole.
- When a cyclist is pedaling their bike in an anti-clockwise direction, their right leg will be moving down as their left leg pushes up.
- When a person unscrews a lid from a jar, they are typically turning it in an anti-clockwise direction.
- Some amusement park rides, such as a carousel, move in an anti-clockwise direction.
- The blades of a ceiling fan will move in an anti-clockwise direction when set to the “cooling” setting.
Now, here is a quiz to test your knowledge of anti-clockwise movement:
- What is another word for anti-clockwise?
- If something is moving in a clockwise direction, is it moving in the same direction or the opposite direction as the hands of a clock?
- Which direction do the hands of a clock move when they are moving from 12 o’clock to 1 o’clock?
- When a person is pedaling their bike in an anti-clockwise direction, which leg is moving down?
- When unscrewing a lid from a jar, which direction is it typically turned?
- Are the blades of a ceiling fan moving in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction when set to the “cooling” setting?
- Is the rotation of the Earth on its axis clockwise or anti-clockwise when viewed from the North Pole?
- Which direction do some amusement park rides, such as a carousel, typically move in?
- Is anti-clockwise the opposite direction or the same direction as clockwise?
- If something is moving in an anti-clockwise direction, is it moving in the same direction or the opposite direction as the hands of a clock?
- Counterclockwise
- The same direction
- Clockwise
- Right
- Anti-clockwise
- Anti-clockwise
- Anti-clockwise
- Anti-clockwise
- The opposite direction
- The opposite direction