Attribute: Definitions and Examples

Attribute: Definitions, Formulas, & Examples


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    An attribute is a quality or characteristic that a person or thing possesses. It can also refer to a feature or property of an object in computing. In this article, we will focus on the use of attributes as qualities or characteristics of a person or thing.


    • A quality or characteristic that a person or thing possesses
    • A feature or property of an object in computing


    1. Physical attributes: Physical attributes are characteristics that pertain to the body. Examples include height, weight, hair color, eye color, and skin tone.
    2. Personality attributes: Personality attributes are characteristics that pertain to a person’s character or temperament. Examples include kindness, intelligence, sense of humor, and ambition.
    3. Nationality attributes: Nationality attributes are characteristics that pertain to a person’s country of origin. Examples include language, culture, customs, and traditions.
    4. Occupational attributes: Occupational attributes are characteristics that pertain to a person’s job or profession. Examples include skills, knowledge, and experience.
    5. Historical attributes: Historical attributes are characteristics that pertain to the history of a place or thing. Examples include age, significance, and cultural importance.


    1. What is an attribute?
    2. Can attributes refer to qualities or characteristics of a person or thing?
    3. Can attributes also refer to features or properties of an object in computing?
    4. Can physical attributes include a person’s height and weight?
    5. Can personality attributes include a person’s sense of humor?
    6. Can nationality attributes include a person’s language?
    7. Can occupational attributes include a person’s skills and knowledge?
    8. Can historical attributes include the cultural importance of a place or thing?
    9. Are attributes always positive qualities?
    10. Can attributes describe both tangible and intangible characteristics?


    1. An attribute is a quality or characteristic that a person or thing possesses.
    2. Yes, attributes can refer to qualities or characteristics of a person or thing.
    3. Yes, attributes can also refer to features or properties of an object in computing.
    4. Yes, physical attributes can include a person’s height and weight.
    5. Yes, personality attributes can include a person’s sense of humor.
    6. Yes, nationality attributes can include a person’s language.
    7. Yes, occupational attributes can include a person’s skills and knowledge.
    8. Yes, historical attributes can include the cultural importance of a place or thing.
    9. No, attributes can be both positive and negative qualities.
    10. Yes, attributes can describe both tangible and intangible characteristics.



    1 | noun | a construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguished
2 | noun | an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity
3 | verb | attribute or credit to
4 | verb | decide as to where something belongs in a scheme


    'atruhby, oot (IPA: ˈætrəbjˌut)


    at-trib-ute (9 letters | 3 syllables)

    First known use in English

    1398 (Late Middle ages) (627 years ago)

    Word origin


    Word frequency history

    Word frequency history

    Inflected forms

    attributes | attributed | attributing


    dimension | nature | property | thing | ascribe | assign | impute (total: 7)

    Narrower terms

    character | characteristic | feature | feature of speech | lineament | quality | ballast | cheer | cheerfulness | common denominator | depth | eidos | ethos | form | heritage | ... (total: 50)

    Broader terms

    concept | conception | construct | abstract entity | abstraction | evaluate | judge | pass judgment (total: 8)


    (none among common words)

    Lexically close words



    (none among common words)


    Spanish: | atributo (sign) | atributo (linguistics) | rasgo (person) | característica (person) | atributo (person) | asignar (ascribe) | atribuir (ascribe) | conceder (ascribe)
French: | attribut (sign) | attribut (linguistics) | attribut (person) | trait (person) | caractéristique (person) | qualité (person) | assigner (ascribe) | attribuer (ascribe) | accorder (ascribe)
Portuguese: | atributo (sign) | atributo (linguistics) | traço (person) | característica (person) | qualidade (person) | atribuir (ascribe) | imputar (ascribe)
German: | Merkmal (sign) | Kennzeichen (sign) | Attribut (sign) | Attribut (linguistics) | Eigenschaft (person) | Merkmal (person) | zuschreiben (ascribe) | zuerkennen (ascribe) | beimessen (ascribe) | beilegen (ascribe) | zuweisen (ascribe)
Japanese: | 属性 (common noun) | 帰す (verb) | 帰する (verb)

    Other notable uses | |

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    11 (International English) | 11 (North American English)

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