Interior Angle: Definitions and Examples

Interior Angle: Definitions, Formulas, & Examples


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    Understanding the properties and relationships of geometric shapes requires a solid grasp of interior angles, which are essential in geometry. Whether you’re a math student or a geometry enthusiast, this article aims to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of interior angles. We will begin by explaining the concept of interior angles in polygons, followed by examples and explanations to enhance your knowledge. Finally, a quiz will test your understanding. Let’s begin exploring the intriguing world of interior angles!


    Interior Angle: An interior angle refers to the angle formed within a polygon by two adjacent sides. It is the angle enclosed by any two sides within a closed figure. The sum of interior angles in a polygon depends on the number of sides it possesses.

    Polygon: A polygon is a closed two-dimensional figure consisting of straight line segments known as sides. Each side connects two consecutive vertices. Triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and so on are examples of polygons.


    I. Interior Angles of Triangles

    A triangle is a polygon with three sides. Let’s examine the interior angles of triangles, which reveal important concepts:

    Sum of Interior Angles in a Triangle: The sum of interior angles in any triangle is always 180 degrees. This property is known as the Triangle Sum Theorem.

    Example 1: Consider a triangle with angles measuring 50°, 70°, and x°. Using the Triangle Sum Theorem, we can find the value of x. Solution: 50° + 70° + x° = 180° x° = 180° – 120° x° = 60°

    Types of Triangles based on Interior Angles: a) Acute Triangle: An acute triangle has interior angles measuring less than 90 degrees. b) Obtuse Triangle: An obtuse triangle has one interior angle measuring more than 90 degrees. c) Right Triangle: A right triangle has one interior angle measuring exactly 90 degrees.

    Example 2: Determine the type of triangle based on its interior angles: a) 60°, 60°, 60° b) 45°, 45°, 90° c) 120°, 30°, 30°

    Solution: a) Equilateral Triangle (acute) b) Isosceles Right Triangle c) Obtuse Triangle

    II. Interior Angles of Quadrilaterals

    A quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides. Let’s explore important properties of interior angles in quadrilaterals:

    Sum of Interior Angles in a Quadrilateral: The sum of interior angles in any quadrilateral always totals 360 degrees. This property is known as the Quadrilateral Sum Theorem.

    Example 3: Suppose a quadrilateral has interior angles measuring 110°, 90°, x°, and 80°. Find the value of x using the Quadrilateral Sum Theorem. Solution: 110° + 90° + x° + 80° = 360° x° = 360° – 280° x° = 80°

    Types of Quadrilaterals based on Interior Angles: a) Parallelogram: A parallelogram has opposite interior angles that are congruent (equal). b) Rectangle: A rectangle has four right angles (90 degrees) as its interior angles. c) Rhombus: A rhombus has four congruent (equal) interior angles. d) Square: A square is a special type of rectangle and rhombus, with four congruent (equal) right angles.

    Example 4: Identify the type of quadrilateral based on its interior angles: a) 110°, 70°, 110°, 70° b) 120°, 60°, 120°, 60° c) 90°, 90°, 90°, 90°

    Solution: a) Parallelogram b) Parallelogram c) Rectangle, Square, Rhombus

    III. Interior Angles of Polygons

    Polygons with more than four sides exhibit various properties and relationships among their interior angles. Let’s explore some common polygons:

    Sum of Interior Angles in a Polygon: The sum of interior angles in a polygon with n sides is given by the formula: (n – 2) × 180 degrees.

    Example 5: Find the sum of interior angles in a hexagon. Solution: (6 – 2) × 180° = 4 × 180° = 720°

    Interior Angle of a Regular Polygon: A regular polygon has congruent (equal) sides and interior angles.

    Example 6: Determine the measure of each interior angle of a regular pentagon. Solution: Sum of interior angles of a pentagon = (5 – 2) × 180° = 3 × 180° = 540° Measure of each interior angle = 540° / 5 = 108°

    Relationship between Interior and Exterior Angles: The sum of an interior angle and its corresponding exterior angle is always 180 degrees.

    Example 7: If an interior angle in a polygon measures 120°, what is the measure of its corresponding exterior angle? Solution: Corresponding exterior angle = 180° – 120° = 60°

    FAQ Section

    Q1. What is the relationship between the number of sides in a polygon and the sum of its interior angles? A1. The sum of interior angles in any polygon is given by the formula (n – 2) × 180 degrees, where n represents the number of sides.

    Q2. Do all polygons have interior angles? A2. Yes, all polygons have interior angles. Interior angles are formed between two adjacent sides within the polygon.

    Q3. Can the interior angles of a polygon be negative? A3. No, interior angles cannot be negative. They are measured in degrees and are always positive.

    Q4. What is the measure of each interior angle of an equilateral triangle? A4. Each interior angle of an equilateral triangle measures 60 degrees.

    Q5. Can a polygon have more than one obtuse interior angle? A5. No, a polygon cannot have more than one obtuse interior angle. The sum of interior angles in any polygon is always 180 degrees.


    What is the sum of the interior angles in a triangle? a) 90 degrees b) 180 degrees c) 270 degrees

    Identify the type of triangle based on its interior angles: 60°, 60°, 60°. a) Acute Triangle b) Right Triangle c) Obtuse Triangle

    How many degrees are in the sum of the interior angles of a quadrilateral? a) 180 degrees b) 270 degrees c) 360 degrees

    What type of quadrilateral has opposite interior angles that are congruent? a) Square b) Rhombus c) Parallelogram

    Find the sum of the interior angles of an octagon. a) 720 degrees b) 900 degrees c) 1080 degrees

    What is the measure of each interior angle of a regular hexagon? a) 120 degrees b) 135 degrees c) 140 degrees

    What is the relationship between the interior angle and the corresponding exterior angle of a polygon? a) They are equal. b) Their sum is 90 degrees. c) Their sum is 180 degrees.

    Find the measure of each interior angle of a regular heptagon. a) 120 degrees b) 130 degrees c) 140 degrees

    Can the sum of the interior angles of a polygon be negative? a) Yes b) No

    What is the measure of each interior angle of a regular decagon? a) 130 degrees b) 140 degrees c) 144 degrees

    Quiz Answers:

    b) 180 degrees a) Acute Triangle c) 360 degrees c) Parallelogram a) 720 degrees a) 120 degrees c) Their sum is 180 degrees. b) 130 degrees b) No c) 144 degrees


    Interior angles are significant in geometry and provide valuable insights into the properties and relationships of polygons. By understanding the sum and measures of interior angles, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of various geometric shapes. By mastering the concepts covered in this article and completing the quiz, you have taken a significant step towards becoming proficient in interior angles. Continue exploring, practicing, and applying your knowledge to deepen your understanding of geometry and its applications.

    Interior Angle:


    noun | the angle inside two adjacent sides of a polygon


    in-te-ri-or an-gle


    internal angle

    Narrower terms

    reentering angle | reentrant angle

    Broader terms



    (none among common words)


    Japanese: | 内角 (common noun)

    Other notable uses |

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