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Brown University Admission Requirements

Brown University Admission Requirements

Brown University is considered one of the most prestigious universities worldwide. As one of the eight Ivy Leagues, it’s known for academic excellence and world-class staff. It’s also the seventh-oldest higher education institution in the U.S. and has an incredible history that dates back to before the American Revolution. It’s no wonder that so many students want to study in its hallowed halls.

In order to apply to Brown University, you need the following:

  • Completed application
  • Official transcript and a school report
  • Counselor and teacher recommendations
  • SAT and ACT scores (optional for the 2021-2022 academic year)

Brown University is a notoriously difficult university to get into. The acceptance rate for the undergraduate Class of 2025 was one of the lowest in the country, at only 5.5%. As one of the most selective universities in the U.S., gaining admission to Brown isn’t easy. Follow this Brown University admissions guide to learn  how to maximize your chances of getting your application accepted.

About Brown University

Brown University is a private research university in Providence, Rhode Island. It was founded in 1764 and is one of the oldest higher education institutions in the U.S.

At Brown University, students benefit from a low student-to-faculty ratio of 6:1 and are guaranteed face-to-face time with some of the best teachers and researchers in the academic world. They’re also able to take advantage of Brown’s Open Curriculum and design their own customized course of study before deciding on a major.

In addition to excellent academics, Brown University allows students to take advantage of its 400+ student organizations and its beautiful College Hill campus in picturesque Providence.

What Are the GPA Requirements for Brown University?

Brown University admissions officers haven’t stated a specific minimum GPA, but we can glean this from past data. The average GPA of the students Brown accepts is usually 4.08. Since Brown University admissions are so competitive, it stands to reason that the institution only wants students at the top of their classes. In addition to maintaining straight As, it’s important to take challenging courses like AP and IB courses to showcase your strengths.

What Are the SAT Requirements for Brown University?

While standardized tests are usually a part of the Brown University admissions process, they’re optional for the 2021-2022 admission cycle. However, test-optional doesn’t mean you can’t submit your SAT score. This is one of the biggest indicators of your strength as a student and can bolster your application.

Brown students have been known for their extraordinary performance on the SAT, with the middling 50% of applicants scoring between 1480 and 1560. As such, it’s almost impossible to get into Brown with a low SAT score. If your score is below 1500, don’t worry – SAT tutoring can help you bring your score up and achieve your dreams of attending Brown University.

What Are the ACT Requirements for Brown University?

Because Brown University is so competitive, it’s also essential to submit your best ACT scores. According to Brown, the middle 50% of the students they accepted scored between 33 and 35 on the ACT. While there’s no official ACT cut-off for Brown University admissions, you’re unlikely to get in with a score below 32. Fortunately, you can always opt for ACT tutoring and ensure you show Brown your best scores.

What Is the College Application Process for Brown University?

Gaining admission to Brown University isn’t easy, but it’s possible. Ensure you have the following so you have the best chance possible:

  • Completed application
  • Transcript and school reports
  • One counselor recommendation
  • Two teacher recommendations
  • A GPA of around 4.08
  • An ACT score of at least 33 (optional but recommended)
  • A SAT score of at least 1500 (optional but recommended)

Wrapping Up

Applying to an Ivy League like Brown University can be daunting. However, now that you know what to expect, the process can be slightly easier. Since the university is so competitive, it’s essential to apply with the best scores possible. Maximize your SAT and ACT scores through tutoring for best results!


No matter how you look at it, college is an expensive proposition these days. Both public and private colleges and universities have had to raise fees and tuition as costs have increased. As a result, college student debt has skyrocketed and many students end up with loan payments years, sometimes even decades, after graduation. But with some careful planning and creative thinking, there are lots of other ways to help pay for college and avoid being stuck with big loan payments after graduation. One final but important step in the college application process is to include an application for financial aid.

As parents, and grandparents for that matter, we consider it to be a bit of a rite of passage to tell our children just how easy they have it compared to what we went through at their age. File this under the “when I was your age, I had to walk 2 miles to school each day, uphill both ways” category.

For any parent of a college-bound student, SAT and ACT test scores are no doubt at the center of most dinner table discussions. While no one will argue that test scores alone are the deciding factor in college admissions, and many colleges are moving toward a test-optional admissions policy, strong scores on the SAT and or ACT can definitely help a student’s chance of gaining admission to his/her college of choice.