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Florida State University Admission Requirements

Florida State University Admission Requirements

Florida State University was founded in 1852, making it one of the oldest academic institutes in the state of Florida. The college has enjoyed a reputation for rigorous academics, a selective admissions process, and of course, being a party school with a fun nightlife and vibrant sports experience.

As such, getting into Florida State University can be very challenging as it has a very low acceptance rate. Long story short, you’ll need to meet the following requirements:

  • High school transcript with an average unweighted GPA of 3.59
  • SAT scores in the range of 1230-1350 or ACT scores in the range of 27-31
  • Class rank (not required but highly recommended)

About Florida State University

Florida State University has a big reputation for being one of the most important state schools in the country. It welcomes students from around the world and the country. With that said, FSU does seem to have a preference for out-of-state students. The perks of being a party school mean that students can participate in a diverse range of activities.


Moreover, FSU has access to excellent academic resources that allow students to find placements in competitive environments and industries. They have a long legacy of successful trailblazers including Eric Barron, David Armstrong, Jameis Winston, and Jalen Ramsey.

This means that the acceptance rate at FSU is very competitive at only 32%. Nearly 63,691 applied for the class of 2025 but only 20,668 were accepted. So applicants have to demonstrate a great academic career and a penchant for extracurriculars.

Florida State University GPA Requirements

Admissions officers at Florida State University will prioritize an applicant’s GPA. High ranking students are preferred, if possible. The minimum required GPA is 3 but statistics show that the average unweighted GPA for admitted students stood at 3.59. This means that you’ll need above average grades in high school with a combination of A’s and B’s, leaving almost no wiggle room for C’s.

Given that 37% of admitted students opted for difficult courses, it is highly recommended to take advanced classes such as AP, AICE, and Dual Enrollment.

Florida State University SAT Requirements

There doesn’t seem to be a minimum test score requirement for SAT at Florida State University. However, this doesn’t mean that admissions officers will consider applicants with a low score. The large pool of candidates means a slightly more competitive admission process. For the most part, the average SAT score for admitted students stood in the range of 1230-1350.

Consider hiring SAT tutoring services to improve your score above the median.

Florida State University ACT Requirements

Just like SAT scores, FSU does not seem to have a minimum cutoff score for ACT scores. With that said, the average ACT score for admitted students is in the range of 27-31.  ACT scores are slightly more competitive in Florida State University, this is why it may be preferable to opt for SAT scores.

We recommend availing every resource possible to boost your ACT score, including hiring ACT tutoring services.

How to Apply to Florida State University

FSU requires students to demonstrate academic excellence but does not require too much importance on extracurricular activities. With that said, you can show off your talent in areas such as sports and music.

The application requirements for FSU are very similar to other schools, meaning that the admissions officers accept the following:

  • Common application
  • Coalition application
  • FSU application

In all cases, students will need to provide:

  • A high school transcript with a GPA
  • Complete the residency declaration form
  • Submit their SAT or ACT score
  • Supplemental essay (recommended but not required)

Wrapping Up

On average, Florida State University attracts high achieving high school students with an A- average. Only 32% of their applicants were admitted to the class of 2025, this means that applicants have their work cut out for them. So try to avail every resource you have to maximize your chances of getting in, including hiring tutoring services. Don’t forget to get in touch with our experts at Club Z! Tutoring!


No matter how you look at it, college is an expensive proposition these days. Both public and private colleges and universities have had to raise fees and tuition as costs have increased. As a result, college student debt has skyrocketed and many students end up with loan payments years, sometimes even decades, after graduation. But with some careful planning and creative thinking, there are lots of other ways to help pay for college and avoid being stuck with big loan payments after graduation. One final but important step in the college application process is to include an application for financial aid.

As parents, and grandparents for that matter, we consider it to be a bit of a rite of passage to tell our children just how easy they have it compared to what we went through at their age. File this under the “when I was your age, I had to walk 2 miles to school each day, uphill both ways” category.

For any parent of a college-bound student, SAT and ACT test scores are no doubt at the center of most dinner table discussions. While no one will argue that test scores alone are the deciding factor in college admissions, and many colleges are moving toward a test-optional admissions policy, strong scores on the SAT and or ACT can definitely help a student’s chance of gaining admission to his/her college of choice.