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Have You Tried Z Prep! Online Tutoring Yet?

If you have children between the ages of 10 and 18, chances are you can’t get them to pull their noses out of some kind of electronic device – whether it’s a tablet, a handheld gaming system, a laptop, or a smart phone. And just when it seems like your kids might never come up for air and communicate with you again, even education has moved online! So what’s a parent to do? Well, as the old saying goes, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Or in this case, we suggest diving in and learning how the right online tutoring resources can help your students stay ahead in school, while remaining engaged in the world around them.

What is Z Prep! Online Tutoring?

Online tutoring is a very broad term referring to any type of tutoring that takes place in a virtual or online environment where teachers and students are not meeting in person, but rather over a technological platform. In a day and age where students are being introduced to technology sometimes before they learn to speak, it comes as no surprise that the education world, including tutoring, is also experiencing a shift online. But not all online tutoring platforms, or online tutoring models, are equal. Z Prep! Online Tutoring offers multiple options for students, including one-on-one live instruction, small group online classes, and even recorded sessions for playback and review.

Why Z Prep! Online Tutoring?

One major advantage to online tutoring is that it eliminates the need for either the student or the tutor to travel anywhere to meet. This is especially helpful for families with hectic schedules, student athletes, or students who are home-bound. Online tutoring also works well for last-minute needs, such as preparing for an important test, quiz or presentation. Club Z!'s newest addition to the Z Prep! Online Tutoring services includes on-demand online homework help for these all-too-common scenarios.

Who Benefits Most from Z Prep! Online Tutoring?

Online tutoring in general is not as suitable for younger students (grades K-4), but parents should trust their own instincts about what kind of learning platform would work best for their child. Students have to have a strong working knowledge of computers and be comfortable using the available online tools such as the virtual chat, web cam, and white board. It also requires more discipline to stay on task without a tutor being present in the same room. Online tutoring is also generally better for more concrete subjects like science and math. It may be more difficult to illustrate techniques for reading comprehension, reading fluency, and other language arts subjects in a virtual environment. Although there are no shortage of available web sites, YouTube videos, and other online resources for struggling students, most students will see the greatest benefit from direct instruction with a live tutor. This type of instructional approach to online tutoring allows students the opportunity to ask questions and clarify responses, which significantly improves retention and recall on the next quiz, test, or assignment. This is exactly the kind of approach that Z Prep! Online Tutoring offers its students. Working with a national organization like Club Z!, that offers both in-home and online tutoring, such as Z Prep! Online Tutoring, will also give you peace of mind that your tutor has been properly vetted, and is qualified to handle the subject at hand. And although it should go without saying, no matter how old your child is, it is important to know what they’re doing online at ALL times! Know who they’re chatting with, what they’re chatting about, and when they’re online. Most reputable online tutoring options will offer a digital recording of all tutoring sessions so that parents can track the session, see what strategies and topics were reviewed, and even see a copy of the discussion between the student and the tutor. Families enrolled in Z Prep! Online Tutoring have access to all session recordings, in high definition, for easy playback and review. To find out more about Z Prep! Online Tutoring, call 800-434-2582 today.
Category: Uncategorized

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