Asset: Definitions and Examples

Asset: Definitions, Formulas, & Examples


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    An asset is a resource that is owned by an individual or organization that has monetary value and is expected to provide future economic benefits. Assets can be tangible, such as property or equipment, or intangible, such as intellectual property or goodwill.


    • Tangible assets: physical resources that can be seen and touched, such as buildings, land, equipment, and inventory.
    • Intangible assets: nonphysical resources that do not have a physical presence, such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property.
    • Fixed assets: long-term assets that are not intended for resale, such as buildings and equipment.
    • Current assets: assets that are expected to be converted into cash or used up within one year, such as cash, accounts receivable, and inventory.
    • Liquid assets: assets that can be easily converted into cash, such as cash, checking accounts, and short-term investments.

    Examples of assets:

    1. Real estate: Property, including land and buildings, is a common asset for individuals and businesses.
    2. Equipment: Machinery, vehicles, and other equipment used in production or operations can be considered assets.
    3. Intellectual property: Patents, trademarks, and copyrights can all be considered assets for a company.
    4. Stocks and bonds: Investments in securities, such as stocks and bonds, can be considered assets.
    5. Goodwill: The value of a company’s reputation and relationships with customers can be considered an intangible asset.


    1. What is an asset?
    2. What are the two main types of assets?
    3. Are buildings considered tangible assets?
    4. Are patents considered intangible assets?
    5. Are stocks considered liquid assets?
    6. What are fixed assets?
    7. What are current assets?
    8. Can real estate be considered an intangible asset?
    9. Are vehicles considered equipment?
    10. Can goodwill be considered a tangible asset?



    noun | a useful or valuable quality


    'as, et (IPA: ˈæsˌɛt)


    as-set (5 letters | 2 syllables)

    Overall typical frequency

    written: 4228th most common (1 in 45455 words) ( > 99% noun)

    spoken: 4210th most common (1 in 200000 words)

    (includes some inflected forms)

    Word frequency history

    Word frequency history

    Inflected form



    good | plus



    Narrower terms

    advantage | forte | long suit | metier | resource | speciality | specialty | strength | strong point | strong suit | vantage (total: 11)

    Broader terms



    (none among common words)

    Lexically close words

    assent | assert | asses | basset


    sates | seats


    intangible asset


    Spanish: | activo (accounting) | posesión (property) | haber (property)
French: | actif (accounting) | possession (property) | avoir (property)
Portuguese: | ativo (accounting) | bens (accounting) | haveres (accounting) | posse (property) | bem (property)
German: | Aktivposten (accounting) | Besitz (property) | Besitzstück (property)
Japanese: | 身上 (common noun)

    Other notable uses | | |

    Crossword puzzle clues

    Advantage | Advantages | Balance sheet entry | Balance sheet item | Balance sheet listing | Balance sheet plus | Beauty, brawn or brains | Black ink item | Black-ink item | Capital, e.g. | Cash in hand, e.g. | Company's plant, e.g. | Company-owned building, e.g. | ... (total: 50)
(based on all New York Times crossword puzzles 1994 to 2009)

    Scrabble score

    5 (International English) | 5 (North American English)

    Phone keypad digits

    (???) ??2-7738

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