Balance: Definitions and Examples

Balance: Definitions, Formulas, & Examples


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    Balance is an important concept in many different areas of life. It is a state of equilibrium or stability, where opposing forces are balanced and nothing is tipping too far in one direction. Maintaining balance allows us to move through the world with grace, stability, and poise, and it is something that we constantly strive for in order to live healthy, fulfilling lives.

    One of the most basic definitions of balance is the state of equal distribution of weight on both sides of an object or body. This type of balance can be physical, as in the case of a scale that is evenly balanced, or it can be metaphorical, as in the case of a person who has a balanced diet or a balanced schedule.

    Another way to think about balance is as a way of bringing opposing forces into harmony. This could be balance between work and play, balance between individual needs and the needs of a group, or balance between competing desires or goals. Finding balance means finding a way to manage these opposing forces and bring them into alignment in a way that feels harmonious and sustainable.

    Here are five examples of balance in different areas of life:

    1. Physical balance: A tightrope walker uses balance to walk across a wire suspended high in the air. By shifting their weight and making small adjustments to their footing, they are able to maintain their balance and not fall off the wire.
    2. Emotional balance: Someone who is emotionally balanced is able to regulate their emotions and not be overwhelmed by negative feelings or ruled by them. They are able to find a healthy balance between expressing their emotions and keeping them in check.
    3. Mental balance: A person who has mental balance is able to think clearly and make sound decisions, even under stress or in the face of difficult choices. They are able to maintain perspective and keep their thoughts and actions in balance.
    4. Social balance: A group or community that is in balance is one where all members feel heard and respected, and where there is a sense of harmony and cooperation. This can be achieved through good communication and a willingness to compromise and find common ground.
    5. Environmental balance: Maintaining balance in the natural world is important for the health and sustainability of ecosystems. This can involve finding a balance between human needs and the needs of other species, as well as preserving natural resources and protecting the environment.

    Quiz: Test your understanding of balance with these ten questions:

    1. What is balance?
    2. What does it mean to have a balanced diet?
    3. Can balance be physical or metaphorical?
    4. What is emotional balance?
    5. How can we maintain mental balance?
    6. What is social balance?
    7. Why is environmental balance important?
    8. Can you give an example of balance in nature?
    9. How can we find balance in our own lives?
    10. What happens when we lose balance?



    A scale that uses a horizontal level and a set of standard masses to weigh an object.

    Instance of


    Specific instances

    analytical balance | pendulum balance scale

    Quantities measured

    mass | weight



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