Interval Notation

Interval Notation Definitions and Examples


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    Interval Notation Definitions, and Examples

    Interval notation is a mathematical way to represent a range of numbers. It is commonly used in music theory, as well as in other mathematical disciplines. There are two types of interval notation: open and closed. Open interval notation uses parenthesis, while closed interval notation uses brackets. In this blog post, we will explore the definitions of both open and closed interval notation, as well as some examples of each. By the end, you should have a better understanding of how to use interval notation in your own work.

    What is Interval Notation?

    In mathematics, interval notation is a method of writing down a set of numbers which indicates the range of values included. It uses square brackets to indicate that the boundary value is included, and round brackets to indicate that it is not included. For example, the interval [0, 1] includes all numbers between 0 and 1 (i.e. 0 and 1 are both included), whereas the interval (0, 1) only includes numbers greater than 0 and less than 1 (i.e. 0 and 1 are not included).

    Interval notation is often used when working with real numbers, as it can be difficult to write down an infinite set of numbers in other ways. However, it can also be used with other types of numbers, such as complex numbers or matrices. In some cases, interval notation can be used to describe a set of values which are not numerical, such as the set of all points on a line or in a plane.

    The main advantage of interval notation is that it allows us to concisely describe a large or infinite set of values in a way that is easy to understand. It also has the benefit of being easy to use with mathematical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

    The Different Types of Interval Notation

    There are four types of interval notation: open, closed, half-open, and unbounded.

    Open interval notation uses parentheses to indicate that the endpoint values are not included in the interval. For example, the interval (0,1) includes all real numbers between 0 and 1, but does not include 0 or 1.

    Closed interval notation uses square brackets to indicate that the endpoint values are included in the interval. For example, the interval [0,1] includes all real numbers between 0 and 1, including 0 and 1.

    Half-open interval notation uses square brackets for one endpoint value and parentheses for the other endpoint value to indicate that only one of the endpoint values is included in the interval. For example, the interval [0,1) includes all real numbers between 0 and 1, but does not include 1. Similarly, the interval (0,1] includes all real numbers between 0 and 1 but does not include 0.

    Unbounded intervals do not have defined endpoint values. For example, the interval (0,) includes all real numbers greater than or equal to 0; similarly, the interval (-,) includes all real numbers.

    How to Use Interval Notation

    In mathematics, interval notation is a method of writing down a set of values that lie within a certain range. It is typically used to describe sets of real numbers, but can also be used for complex numbers and points in space.

    Interval notation is usually written as two square brackets, with the lower limit first and the upper limit second. For example, the interval from 3 to 7 would be written as [3,7]. This means that all values between (and including) 3 and 7 are included in the interval.

    If one of the limits is infinite, then it is denoted by a curly bracket instead of a square bracket. For example, the interval from 3 to infinity would be written as [3,?). This means that all values greater than or equal to 3 are included in the interval.

    It is also possible to have an interval where one limit is greater than the other. In this case, it is called an inverted interval, and is usually denoted by putting a line over the top of the brackets. For example, the inverted interval from 3 to 7 would be written as [3,-7], which means that all values less than or equal to -7 are included in the interval.

    Intervals can also be open or closed. An open interval does not include its endpoints, whereas a closed interval does include them. For example, the open interval from 3 to 7 would be written as (3,7),

    Interval Notation Examples

    Interval notation is a way of writing down intervals of numbers. It is useful for specifying ranges of values in mathematical or statistical calculations.

    There are two main types of interval notation: open and closed.

    Open interval notation: (a, b)

    This means that the interval includes all numbers between a and b, but does not include a and b themselves. So, for example, the interval (0, 1) would include all numbers between 0 and 1, but not 0 or 1 themselves.

    Closed interval notation: [a, b]

    This means that the interval includes all numbers between a and b, including a and b themselves. So, for example, the interval [0, 1] would include 0 and 1 as well as all numbers between them.

    Interval Notation Examples:

    In mathematics, an interval is denoted by two square brackets surrounding three dots called colons [···]. The three dots represent all real numbers in between the two endpoint values denoted by the square brackets on either side of them. For example: the set of all integers greater than 2 but less than 10 can be written as: {x|2

    Different Types Of Intervals

    Open Interval

    An open interval is an interval that does not include its endpoints. It is represented by two numbers with a parenthesis between them, like this: (a,b). The number a is called the lower bound while b is called the upper bound.

    For example, the set of all real numbers greater than 2 but less than 7 can be written as the open interval (2,7). This set contains all numbers between 2 and 7, but does not contain 2 or 7 itself.

    Closed Interval

    In mathematics, a closed interval is a set of real numbers that includes all numbers between two given endpoints. The notation for a closed interval is [a, b] where a and b are the endpoints. This means that the interval contains all real numbers between a and b, including a and b themselves.

    An example of a closed interval is the set of all numbers between 3 and 5: [3, 5]. This set includes 3, 4, and 5 but does not include 2 or 6 since those numbers are not between 3 and 5.

    Half-Open Interval

    A half-open interval includes the first value, but not the second. The symbol for a half-open interval is (a,b).

    For example, the interval (2,10) includes 2 and 10, but does not include any values in between them.

    Notations For Different Types of Intervals

    There are different types of intervals, and each type has its own notation. The following are the most common types of intervals and their notation:

    Major Interval: A major interval is an interval that spans two octaves or more. The notation for a major interval is the letter M followed by the interval’s number. For example, a major 3rd interval would be notated as M3.

    Minor Interval: A minor interval is an interval that spans less than two octaves. The notation for a minor interval is the letter m followed by the interval’s number. For example, a minor 3rd interval would be notated as m3.

    Perfect Interval: A perfect interval is an interval that spans exactly one octave. The notation for a perfect interval is the letter P followed by theinterval’s number. For example, a perfect 5th interval would be notated as P5.

    Augmented Interval: An augmented interval is an interval that is one semitone larger than a perfect or major interval. The notation for an augmentedinterval is the letter A followed by theinterval’s number. For example, an augmented 5thinterval would be notated as A5.

    Diminished Interval: A diminished interval is an interval that is one semitone smaller than a perfect or minor interval. The notation for adiminishedinterval is the letter d followed by the interval’s number.

    Symbol for Interval Notation

    There are three types of interval notation: closed, open, and half-open. In closed interval notation, both the endpoint values are included in the interval. For example, the closed interval from 1 to 3 is written [1,3]. This means that the values 1 and 3 are both part of the interval. Open interval notation includes one endpoint value and excludes the other. So, using our previous example, the open interval from 1 to 3 is written (1,3). This means that only the value 2 is part of this interval. The half-open interval combines features of both closed and open intervals. One endpoint value is included while the other is excluded. So, using our example again, the half-open interval from 1 to 3 is written [1,3). This means that 1 is included as part of the interval while 3 is not.


    In conclusion, interval notation is a way of representing sets or groups of numbers in mathematical writing. There are three types of interval notation: open, closed, and half-open. Open interval notation represents a set of numbers that does not include its endpoint values, while closed interval notation includes both endpoint values. Half-open interval notation includes one endpoint value and excludes the other.

    Interval notation is useful for many purposes, including graphing linear equations and solving inequalities. When graphing linear equations, interval notation can be used to identify the domain and range of the function. Additionally, solving inequalities often requires the use of interval notation to represent the solutions sets. No matter what the purpose, understanding how to read and write interval notation is essential for any student of mathematics.

    Interval Notation



    Alternate name
    Basic definition

    An interval is a connected piece of the real number line which may be open or closed at either end.

    Detailed definition

    An interval is a connected portion of the real line. If the endpoints a and b are finite and are included, the interval is called closed and is denoted [a, b]. If the endpoints are not included, the interval is called open and denoted (a, b). If one endpoint is included but not the other, the interval is denoted [a, b) or (a, b] and is called a half-closed (or half-open interval).
An interval [a, a] is called a degenerate interval.

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