Deduct: Definitions and Examples

Deduct: Definitions, Formulas, & Examples


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    Deduction is a powerful tool in reasoning and argumentation, widely used in mathematics, philosophy, and science. It is a logical process of drawing conclusions from premises or assumptions, using established rules of inference. Deductive reasoning is based on the principle that if the premises are true, then the conclusion must also be true. Deduction is used in everyday life, from solving puzzles to making important decisions. This essay will discuss the concept of deduction, its types, uses, and limitations.

    Types of Deduction:
    There are two main types of deduction: categorical deduction and propositional deduction. Categorical deduction involves reasoning about categories or classes, using syllogisms. Propositional deduction involves reasoning about propositions, using truth tables or rules of inference.

    Categorical deduction is based on the principle that all members of a class share common characteristics. For example, if all dogs are mammals and all mammals are animals, then all dogs are animals. This is a classic example of a syllogism, which is a deductive argument consisting of two premises and a conclusion. The validity of a syllogism depends on its logical form, which can be assessed using established rules of inference, such as the rules of conversion, obversion, and contraposition.

    Propositional deduction involves reasoning about propositions, which are statements that can be either true or false. Propositional deduction uses truth tables to evaluate the truth value of compound propositions, which are formed by combining simple propositions using logical connectives, such as “and”, “or”, and “not”. Propositional deduction also uses rules of inference, such as modus ponens and modus tollens, to derive conclusions from premises.

    Uses of Deduction:
    Deduction has many practical applications in various fields, such as mathematics, science, law, and medicine. In mathematics, deduction is used to prove theorems and solve problems. In science, deduction is used to test hypotheses and make predictions. In law, deduction is used to construct legal arguments and interpret statutes. In medicine, deduction is used to diagnose diseases and prescribe treatments.

    Deduction is also used in everyday life, from solving puzzles to making important decisions. For example, if you know that all men are mortal and Socrates is a man, then you can deduce that Socrates is mortal. Similarly, if you know that it is raining outside and you do not have an umbrella, then you can deduce that you will get wet if you go outside.

    Limitations of Deduction:
    While deduction is a powerful tool in reasoning and argumentation, it has some limitations. One limitation is that deductive reasoning is only as good as the premises it is based on. If the premises are false, then the conclusion is also false, regardless of the validity of the deductive argument. Another limitation is that deductive reasoning is often limited by the available information. If there is not enough information to draw a conclusion, then deduction cannot be used.

    Definition of Deduction:

    Deduction is a process of reasoning that involves drawing a conclusion based on a set of premises or assumptions. The premises or assumptions are general statements that are assumed to be true, and the conclusion is a specific statement that is logically derived from the premises. Deduction is often contrasted with induction, which is a process of reasoning that involves drawing generalizations based on specific observations or examples.

    The process of deduction typically involves the following steps:

    • Starting with a general statement or principle (premise).
    • Identifying a specific situation or example that is related to the general statement.
    • Drawing a conclusion based on the logical relationship between the general statement and the specific situation.

    Examples of Deduction:

    • Mathematical deduction:

    In mathematics, deduction is used to prove theorems and derive new mathematical results. For example, to prove the Pythagorean theorem, one might start with the general statement that the sum of the squares of the sides of a right triangle is equal to the square of the hypotenuse. From there, one can identify a specific right triangle and use the general statement to derive the specific conclusion that the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

    • Legal deduction:

    In legal contexts, deduction is used to draw conclusions based on a set of facts and legal principles. For example, a lawyer might start with the general principle that a person is innocent until proven guilty. From there, the lawyer might identify a specific set of facts related to a case and use the principle to argue that the defendant is innocent.

    • Scientific deduction:

    In science, deduction is used to draw conclusions based on a set of premises or assumptions. For example, to understand the behavior of electrons in a magnetic field, a scientist might start with the general principle that charged particles are affected by magnetic fields. From there, the scientist can identify a specific situation involving electrons and use the principle to predict the specific behavior of the electrons.

    • Philosophical deduction:

    In philosophy, deduction is used to draw conclusions based on logical reasoning. For example, to understand the nature of reality, a philosopher might start with the general principle that everything that exists must have a cause. From there, the philosopher can identify specific examples of things that exist and use the principle to argue that they must have a cause.

    • Everyday deduction:

    In everyday life, deduction is used to draw conclusions based on observations and common sense. For example, if you see someone walking down the street with an umbrella, you might deduce that it is raining outside. This conclusion is based on the general observation that people usually carry umbrellas when it is raining.


    Deduction is a powerful tool for reasoning and problem-solving in many different fields. By starting with general principles or assumptions and drawing logical conclusions based on specific examples or situations, we can derive new insights and solutions to complex problems. Whether we are using deduction to prove mathematical theorems, argue legal cases, or understand the nature of reality, the process of reasoning from the general to the specific is an essential part of human knowledge and understanding.


    1. What is deductive reasoning? Answer: Deductive reasoning is a type of logical reasoning that starts with a general principle and deduces specific conclusions based on that principle.
    2. What is a deductive argument? Answer: A deductive argument is an argument that uses deductive reasoning to draw a specific conclusion from a general principle or set of premises.
    3. What is the difference between deductive and inductive reasoning? Answer: Deductive reasoning starts with a general principle and deduces specific conclusions, while inductive reasoning starts with specific observations and infers general principles or conclusions.
    4. What is a syllogism? Answer: A syllogism is a deductive argument consisting of three parts: a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion.
    5. What is a valid deductive argument? Answer: A valid deductive argument is an argument in which the conclusion follows necessarily from the premises.
    6. What is an invalid deductive argument? Answer: An invalid deductive argument is an argument in which the conclusion does not necessarily follow from the premises.
    7. What is a sound deductive argument? Answer: A sound deductive argument is a valid argument with true premises.
    8. What is a fallacy in deductive reasoning? Answer: A fallacy in deductive reasoning is an error in reasoning that renders an argument invalid or unsound.
    9. What is modus ponens? Answer: Modus ponens is a deductive argument form that states if A implies B and A is true, then B must be true.
    10. What is modus tollens? Answer: Modus tollens is a deductive argument form that states if A implies B and B is false, then A must be false.

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    1 | verb | make a subtraction
2 | verb | retain and refrain from disbursing; of payments
3 | verb | reason by deduction; establish by deduction


    duhd'uhkt (IPA: dədˈʌkt)


    de-duct (6 letters | 2 syllables)

    First known use in English

    1419 (Late Middle ages | European Renaissance) (606 years ago)

    Word origin


    Word frequency history

    Word frequency history

    Inflected forms

    deducted | deducting | deducts


    subtract | take off | recoup | withhold | deduce | derive | infer | reason (total: 8)

    Narrower terms

    carry back | dock | elicit | extrapolate | surmise (total: 5)

    Broader terms

    calculate | cipher | compute | cypher | figure | reckon | work out | hold on | keep | conclude | reason | reason out (total: 12)


    abduct | bucked | chucked | conduct | construct | deconstruct | destruct | ducked | duct | induct | instruct | obstruct | plucked | reconstruct | shucked | ... (total: 18)
(based on typical American pronunciation)

    Lexically close words





    Mandarin Chinese: | 扣除 (verb)
Hindi: | काटना (verb)
Arabic: | يَطرَح (verb)
Spanish: | deducir (mathematics) | restar (mathematics) | deducir (money) | descontar (money)
French: | déduire (mathematics) | soustraire (mathematics) | rabattre (mathematics) | déduire (money) | retenir (money)

    Other notable uses | | |

    Crossword puzzle clues

    Count expenses when figuring taxes | Take off
(based on all New York Times crossword puzzles 1994 to 2009)

    Scrabble score

    10 (International English) | 10 (North American English)

    Phone keypad digits

    (???) ?33-3828

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