Equilateral: Definitions and Examples

Equilateral: Definitions, Formulas, & Examples


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    Geometry is one of the fundamental branches of mathematics that deals with the study of shapes, sizes, and positions of objects in space. In geometry, an equilateral shape refers to a polygon whose sides are equal in length. In this article, we will explore the concept of equilateral shapes, including its definition, properties, and examples.

    Definition of Equilateral Shapes

    An equilateral shape is a polygon with all sides of equal length. This means that all angles within an equilateral shape are also congruent, or of equal measure. The term equilateral is derived from the Latin words “aequus,” meaning “equal,” and “latus,” meaning “side.” Therefore, an equilateral shape can be defined as a shape whose sides are equal in length.

    Properties of Equilateral Shapes

    Equilateral shapes have some unique properties that make them different from other shapes. Some of these properties include:

    • Equal Side Lengths: All sides of an equilateral shape are of equal length. This means that if one side is given, the lengths of the other sides can be determined.
    • Equal Interior Angles: All interior angles of an equilateral shape are congruent, or of equal measure. This property makes equilateral shapes useful in many applications, such as constructing regular polygons or designing structures that require uniformity.
    • Symmetry: Equilateral shapes have a high degree of symmetry. This means that if a line is drawn through the center of the shape, it will divide the shape into two congruent halves.

    Examples of Equilateral Shapes

    Equilateral Triangle: An equilateral triangle is a three-sided polygon with all sides of equal length.

    Equilateral Square: An equilateral square is a four-sided polygon with all sides of equal length and all angles of equal measure (90 degrees).

    Equilateral Pentagon: An equilateral pentagon is a five-sided polygon with all sides of equal length.

    Equilateral Hexagon: An equilateral hexagon is a six-sided polygon with all sides of equal length.

    Equilateral Octagon: An equilateral octagon is an eight-sided polygon with all sides of equal length.

    Equilateral Circle: A circle can also be considered an equilateral shape since all points on the circumference of a circle are equidistant from its center.

    Equilateral Rhombus: An equilateral rhombus is a four-sided polygon with all sides of equal length but with opposite angles of equal measure.

    Equilateral Kite: An equilateral kite is a four-sided polygon with two pairs of equal-length sides, where one pair is adjacent and the other is opposite.

    Equilateral Trapezoid: An equilateral trapezoid is a four-sided polygon with two parallel sides and all non-parallel sides of equal length.

    Equilateral Regular Polygons: A regular polygon is a polygon with all sides of equal length and all angles of equal measure. Therefore, any regular polygon can be considered an equilateral shape.


    Q1. What is the difference between an equilateral and an isosceles shape? A: An equilateral shape has all sides of equal length, while an isosceles shape has two sides of equal length.

    Q2. Can an equilateral shape have different angle measures? A: No, all angles within an equilateral shape are congruent, or of equal measure.

    Q3. What is the difference between a regular polygon and an equilateral polygon? A: A regular polygon is a polygon with all sides of equal length and all angles of equal measure. An equilateral polygon is a polygon with all sides of equal length.

    Q4. Can an equilateral shape be concave? A: Yes, an equilateral

    shape can be concave or convex. The term concave refers to a shape with at least one interior angle greater than 180 degrees, while convex shapes have all interior angles less than 180 degrees.

    Q5. Are equilateral shapes used in real-world applications? A: Yes, equilateral shapes are used in many real-world applications, including construction, architecture, and engineering, where uniformity is important.

    Q6. Can equilateral shapes be irregular? A: No, an equilateral shape must have all sides of equal length and all angles of equal measure. If any of these conditions are not met, the shape is not equilateral.

    Q7. Can equilateral shapes be three-dimensional? A: Yes, equilateral shapes can be three-dimensional. For example, an equilateral pyramid has an equilateral base and equilateral triangular faces.

    Q8. Can a rectangle be an equilateral shape? A: No, a rectangle cannot be an equilateral shape because it has two pairs of opposite sides of different lengths.

    Q9. Can an equilateral shape have different diagonal lengths? A: No, if a shape is equilateral, all its sides and diagonals must be of equal length.

    Q10. Can an equilateral shape have different vertex angles? A: No, all angles within an equilateral shape are congruent, or of equal measure.


    1. What is an equilateral shape? a) A shape with all sides of equal length b) A shape with two sides of equal length c) A shape with all angles of equal measure
    2. What is the definition of symmetry? a) A line that divides a shape into two congruent halves b) A line that divides a shape into two unequal halves c) A line that divides a shape into two parallel halves
    3. Which of the following shapes is not an equilateral shape? a) Equilateral triangle b) Equilateral square c) Rectangle
    4. What is an equilateral regular polygon? a) A polygon with all sides of equal length and all angles of equal measure b) A polygon with two sides of equal length c) A polygon with all angles of equal measure
    5. Can an equilateral shape be concave? a) Yes b) No
    6. What is the difference between an equilateral and an isosceles shape? a) An equilateral shape has all sides of equal length, while an isosceles shape has two sides of equal length. b) An equilateral shape has two sides of equal length, while an isosceles shape has all sides of equal length. c) An equilateral shape has all angles of equal measure, while an isosceles shape has two angles of equal measure.
    7. Can a rectangle be an equilateral shape? a) Yes b) No
    8. What is an equilateral pyramid? a) A pyramid with an equilateral base and equilateral triangular faces b) A pyramid with an equilateral base and isosceles triangular faces c) A pyramid with a rectangular base and equilateral triangular faces
    9. Can an equilateral shape have different diagonal lengths? a) Yes b) No
    10. Can an equilateral shape have different vertex angles? a) Yes b) No


    In conclusion, equilateral shapes are a crucial concept in geometry with unique properties that make them useful in various applications. The definition of an equilateral shape is a two-dimensional shape with all sides of equal length and all angles of equal measure. Equilateral shapes possess high degrees of symmetry, which makes them visually appealing and useful in many real-world applications.

    This article provided a comprehensive overview of equilateral shapes, including their definition, properties, and examples. We discussed various types of equilateral shapes such as equilateral triangles, regular polygons, and equilateral pyramids. Additionally, we explored the importance of equilateral shapes in real-world applications, including architecture, engineering, and construction.

    The FAQ section provided answers to some common questions related to equilateral shapes, while the quiz tested your understanding of the concept.

    By studying the information presented in this article, you can gain a better understanding of equilateral shapes and their properties. This knowledge can help you solve mathematical problems and apply them to practical applications where uniformity is important.


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    1 | noun | a figure whose sides are all equal
2 | adjective | having all sides or faces equal


    e-qui-lat-e-ral (11 letters | 5 syllables)

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    equilateral triangle


    Spanish: | equilátero (geometry)
French: | équilatéral (geometry)
Portuguese: | eqüilátero (geometry)
German: | gleichseitig (geometry)
Italian: | equilatero (geometry)

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