Factorial: Definitions and Examples

Factorial: Definitions, Formulas, & Examples


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    Factorial is an important mathematical concept that finds extensive use in various fields such as probability, statistics, combinatorics, and permutation. It is a mathematical function that is denoted by an exclamation mark, which takes a non-negative integer as its argument and calculates the product of all the integers less than or equal to that argument. In this article, we will discuss the definition of factorial, its properties, and some examples of its application.

    Definition of Factorial

    The factorial of a non-negative integer n, denoted by n!, is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n. The definition of the factorial can be mathematically represented as follows:

    n! = n × (n-1) × (n-2) × … × 3 × 2 × 1

    For example, 5! (read as “five factorial”) is calculated as:

    5! = 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 120

    Factorial is a simple concept that can be easily computed using a calculator or by hand. However, as n gets larger, the value of n! becomes very large, which makes it difficult to compute manually.

    Properties of Factorial

    Factorial has some interesting properties that make it useful in many mathematical applications. Some of the important properties of factorial are:

    1. Zero Factorial

    The factorial of 0, denoted by 0!, is defined to be 1. This is because there is only one way to arrange zero objects, and that is to leave them in a single line.

    2. Negative Factorial

    The factorial of a negative integer is not defined. This is because there is no way to arrange negative objects.

    3. Factorial of One

    The factorial of 1 is 1. This is because there is only one way to arrange one object, and that is to leave it as it is.

    4. Factorial of a Product

    The factorial of a product of two integers can be expressed as the product of their factorials. That is:

    n × m! = (n × m)!

    5. Factorial of a Sum

    The factorial of a sum of two integers cannot be expressed as the product of their factorials. That is:

    n! + m! ? (n + m)!

    6. Factorial of a Fraction

    The factorial of a fraction is not defined. This is because there is no way to arrange a fractional number of objects.

    7. Factorial of a Power

    The factorial of a power of an integer can be expressed as the product of the factorials of the integer. That is:

    (n^k)! = n!^k

    8. Factorial of a Consecutive Integer

    The factorial of a consecutive integer can be expressed as the product of the integer and the factorial of the previous integer. That is:

    n! = n × (n-1)!

    9. Factorial of an Even Integer

    The factorial of an even integer is always divisible by 2. That is:

    n! is divisible by 2 if n is even.

    10. Factorial of an Odd Integer

    The factorial of an odd integer is never divisible by 2. That is:

    n! is not divisible by 2 if n is odd.

    Examples of Factorial

    Factorial has many applications in mathematics and other fields. Here are some examples of how factorial can be used:

    n as a permutation. For example, the number of permutations of the letters

    1. Permutations

    Factorial is used to calculate the number of ways in which a set of objects can be arranged in a specific order. This is known as a permutation. For example, the number of permutations of the letters A, B, and C can be calculated as follows:

    3! = 3 × 2 × 1 = 6

    Therefore, there are 6 possible permutations of the letters A, B, and C: ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, and CBA.

    2. Combinations

    Factorial is also used to calculate the number of ways in which a set of objects can be combined without regard to order. This is known as a combination. For example, the number of combinations of three letters from the set {A, B, C, D} can be calculated as follows:

    4! / (3! × 1!) = 4

    Therefore, there are 4 possible combinations of three letters from the set {A, B, C, D}: ABC, ABD, ACD, and BCD.

    3. Binomial Coefficients

    Factorial is used to calculate binomial coefficients, which are used in the binomial theorem to expand the powers of binomials. The binomial coefficient is denoted as (n choose k), which represents the number of ways to choose k objects from a set of n objects without regard to order. It can be calculated as follows:

    (n choose k) = n! / (k! × (n-k)!)

    For example, the binomial coefficient (4 choose 2) can be calculated as follows:

    (4 choose 2) = 4! / (2! × 2!) = 6

    Therefore, there are 6 ways to choose 2 objects from a set of 4 objects without regard to order.

    4. Probability

    Factorial is used in probability to calculate the number of ways in which an event can occur. For example, the probability of getting a specific sequence of numbers when rolling a pair of dice can be calculated as follows:

    1/36 = 1 / (6! / (2! × 4!)) = 1 / 15,120

    Therefore, the probability of getting a specific sequence of numbers when rolling a pair of dice is 1 in 15,120.

    5. Recursive Algorithms

    Factorial is also used in recursive algorithms, which are algorithms that call themselves repeatedly until a base case is reached. For example, the factorial function itself can be implemented as a recursive algorithm as follows:

    function factorial(n):
    if n =
    = 0:
    return 1
    return n * factorial(n-1)


    • What is the maximum value of n for which n! can be calculated? The maximum value of n for which n! can be calculated depends on the computing power and memory available. For example, on a typical computer, the maximum value of n is around 20.
    • Can factorial be negative? No, factorial is not defined for negative integers.
    • What is the value of 0!? 0! is defined to be 1.
    • Can factorial be expressed as a function? Yes, factorial can be expressed as a function that takes a non-negative integer as its argument and returns the product of all positive integers less than or equal to that argument.
    • What is the relationship between factorial and the gamma function? The gamma function is a generalization of the factorial function to non-integer values. The gamma function is defined

    6. Stirling’s Approximation

    Stirling’s approximation is a mathematical formula that is used to estimate the value of large factorials. It is given by:

    n! ? sqrt(2?n) * (n/e)^n

    where e is the mathematical constant e ? 2.71828.

    For example, using Stirling’s approximation, we can estimate the value of 10! as follows:

    10! ? sqrt(2?(10)) * (10/e)^10 ? 3.62880 * 2,202.64658 ? 3,628,800

    The actual value of 10! is 3,628,800, which shows that Stirling’s approximation can be quite accurate for large values of n.

    7. Factorial in Calculus

    Factorial is used in calculus to define the gamma function, which is a continuous extension of the factorial function to complex numbers. The gamma function is defined as follows:

    ?(z) = ?[0,?] of t^(z-1) * e^(-t) dt

    where Re(z) > 0 and ?(z+1) = z! for positive integers z.

    The gamma function is used in many areas of mathematics, including complex analysis, number theory, and probability theory.

    8. Factorial in Statistics

    Factorial is used in statistics to calculate the number of possible combinations and permutations of a set of objects. For example, the number of possible ways to choose k objects from a set of n objects without regard to order is given by the binomial coefficient (n choose k), which is equal to n!/(k!(n-k)!). This is used in the calculation of probability distributions, such as the binomial distribution and the hypergeometric distribution.

    9. Factorial in Computer Science

    Factorial is used in computer science to analyze the performance of algorithms that involve iterative or recursive calculations. For example, the time complexity of the recursive implementation of the factorial function is O(n), which means that the time required to calculate n! increases linearly with n. This can be improved by using iterative algorithms to store intermediate results.

    10. Factorial in Physics

    Factorial is used in physics to describe the behavior of particles in statistical mechanics. For example, the factorial moment of a distribution is a measure of the correlation between the number of particles in different regions of space. The nth factorial moment is defined as the expected value of the product of the numbers of particles in n different regions.


    1. What is the value of 5!? a) 5 b) 15 c) 120 d) 720
    2. What is the value of 0!? a) 0 b) 1 c) Undefined d) Infinity
    3. What is the value of 10! according to Stirling’s approximation? a) 2,202.64658 b) 3,628,800 c) 10 d) None of the above
    4. What is the binomial coefficient (6 choose 2)? a) 6 b) 15 c) 20 d) 30
    5. What is the relationship between the gamma function and the factorial function? a) The gamma function is a generalization of the factorial function to complex numbers. b) The gamma function is a special case of the factorial function for positive integers. c) The gamma function is the inverse of the factorial function. d) The gamma function is not related to the factorial function.
    6. What is the time complexity of the recursive implementation of the factorial function? a) O(1) b) O(log n) c) O(n) d) O(n^2)
    7. What is the value of 8P3? a) 336 b) 56 c) 28 d) 720
    8. What is the value of (5!)^2 / 3!? a) 200 b) 600 c) 1440 d) 2880
    9. What is the value of 9!/7!? a) 63 b) 72 c) 81 d) 90
    10. What is the value of the nth factorial moment in statistical mechanics? a) The expected value of the product of the numbers of particles in n different regions. b) The expected value of the number of particles in n different regions. c) The expected value of the square of the number of particles in n different regions. d) The expected value of the cube of the number of particles in different regions.


    In conclusion, the factorial function is an important concept in mathematics, with applications in a wide range of fields, including calculus, statistics, computer science, and physics. It is a simple but powerful tool for counting the number of permutations and combinations of objects and for analyzing the performance of algorithms that involve iterative or recursive calculations. The factorial function also has some interesting properties, such as its relationship to Stirling’s approximation and its use in defining the gamma function. With the help of this article, you should now have a better understanding of what the factorial function is and how it is used in various areas of mathematics and science.


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    Generating function

    sum_(n=0)^∞ (n! t^n)/(n!) = 1/(1 - t)

    Sequence properties

    n! is a sequence with integer values for nonnegative n.


    n | n!
0 | 1
1 | 1
2 | 2
3 | 6
4 | 24
5 | 120
6 | 720
7 | 5040
8 | 40320
9 | 362880
10 | 3628800

    Alternate form

    Γ(n + 1)


    (no roots exist)

    Series expansion at n = 0

    1 - gamma n + 1/12 (6 gamma ^2 + π^2) n^2 + 1/6 n^3 (- gamma ^3 - ( gamma π^2)/2 + polygamma(2, 1)) + 1/24 n^4 ( gamma ^4 + gamma ^2 π^2 + (3 π^4)/20 - 4 gamma polygamma(2, 1)) + O(n^5)
(Taylor series)

    Series expansion at n = ∞

    e^(-n) n^n (sqrt(2 π) sqrt(n) + 1/6 sqrt(π/2) sqrt(1/n) + 1/144 sqrt(π/2) (1/n)^(3/2) - (139 sqrt(π/2) (1/n)^(5/2))/25920 - (571 sqrt(π/2) (1/n)^(7/2))/1244160 + (163879 sqrt(π/2) (1/n)^(9/2))/104509440 + O((1/n)^(11/2)))


    d/dn(n!) = Γ(n + 1) polygamma(0, n + 1)

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