Irregular: Definitions and Examples

Irregular: Definitions, Formulas, & Examples


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    Irregular verbs are an essential component of the English language. They pose a challenge for learners due to their unique conjugation patterns. In this article, we will explore the concept of irregular verbs in detail, providing clear definitions, offering examples, and addressing common questions. By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of irregular verbs and how to use them correctly.

    I. Definition and Characteristics of Irregular Verbs:

    Irregular verbs are a subset of English verbs that do not follow the standard rules of conjugation. Unlike regular verbs, which form the past tense and past participle by adding “-ed” to the base form, irregular verbs undergo unpredictable changes in their spelling or pronunciation. This inconsistency in verb conjugation makes irregular verbs a challenging aspect of the English language.

    II. Examples of Irregular Verbs:

    1. Be: base form – be, past tense – was/were, past participle – been
    2. Go: base form – go, past tense – went, past participle – gone
    3. Have: base form – have, past tense – had, past participle – had
    4. Eat: base form – eat, past tense – ate, past participle – eaten
    5. Swim: base form – swim, past tense – swam, past participle – swum
    6. Bring: base form – bring, past tense – brought, past participle – brought
    7. Write: base form – write, past tense – wrote, past participle – written
    8. Take: base form – take, past tense – took, past participle – taken
    9. Drive: base form – drive, past tense – drove, past participle – driven
    10. Break: base form – break, past tense – broke, past participle – broken

    III. Exploring the Patterns of Irregular Verbs:

    While irregular verbs do not adhere to a strict pattern, they can be grouped into several categories based on their conjugation changes. Some common patterns include:

    • Vowel Changes:
      • Sing: base form – sing, past tense – sang, past participle – sung
      • Drink: base form – drink, past tense – drank, past participle – drunk
    • Doubling the Last Letter:
      • Stop: base form – stop, past tense – stopped, past participle – stopped
      • Plan: base form – plan, past tense – planned, past participle – planned
    • Completely Irregular Forms:
      • Be: base form – be, past tense – was/were, past participle – been
      • Have: base form – have, past tense – had, past participle – had

    IV. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

    Q1. How can I identify an irregular verb? Q2. Are there any rules to help me remember irregular verb forms? Q3. Can irregular verbs have different forms in British and American English? Q4. Are all irregular verbs irregular in the same way? Q5. Do irregular verbs change in the present tense too? Q6. Can irregular verbs be used in continuous tenses? Q7. Can irregular verbs be used in passive voice constructions? Q8. Are there any irregular verbs that don’t change their form? Q9. How can I practice using irregular verbs correctly? Q10. Are irregular verbs used frequently in everyday speech?

    V. Quiz: Test Your Knowledge of Irregular Verbs

    1. What is the past tense of the verb “go”? a) Gone b) Goed c) Went
    2. Choose the correct past participle of the verb “eat”: a) Eat b) Eaten c) Ate
    3. Which verb form is correct for the sentence: “He _______ a great job”? a) Do b) Does c) Did
    4. Fill in the blank: “She has _______ the book.” a) Write b) Wrote c) Written
    5. What is the past tense of the verb “bring”? a) Brought b) Bringed c) Bring
    6. Which verb form is correct for the sentence: “I _______ to the store yesterday”? a) Goed b) Went c) Go
    7. Fill in the blank: “They _______ a beautiful cake for the party.” a) Baked b) Bake c) Baking
    8. What is the past participle of the verb “break”? a) Breaken b) Broke c) Broken
    9. Choose the correct past tense of the verb “take”: a) Took b) Taked c) Taken
    10. Which verb form is correct for the sentence: “He _______ his leg while playing soccer”? a) Broke b) Broken c) Break

    VI. Quiz Answers:

    1. c) Went
    2. b) Eaten
    3. c) Did
    4. c) Written
    5. a) Brought
    6. b) Went
    7. a) Baked
    8. c) Broken
    9. a) Took
    10. a) Broke


    Irregular verbs are an essential aspect of English grammar. While they may appear challenging at first, with practice and familiarity, their usage can become more natural. By understanding the definitions, exploring examples, and addressing common questions, you can enhance your command of irregular verbs and communicate effectively in English. Remember to practice regularly, and you’ll soon master the art of using irregular verbs with confidence.


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    1 | adjective | contrary to rule or accepted order or general practice
2 | adjective | not occurring at expected times
3 | adjective | (used of the military) not belonging to or engaged in by regular army forces
4 | adjective | (of solids) not having clear dimensions that can be measured; volume must be determined with the principle of liquid displacement
5 | adjective | falling below the manufacturer's standard
6 | adjective | deviating from normal expectations; somewhat odd, strange, or abnormal
7 | adjective | lacking continuity or regularity
8 | adjective | (of a surface or shape); not level or flat or symmetrical
(11 meanings)


    ir'egyuhler (IPA: ɪrˈɛɡjəlɝ)


    ir-reg-u-lar (9 letters | 4 syllables)

    First known use in English

    1380 (Late Middle ages) (645 years ago)

    Word origins

    Old French |

    Word frequency history

    Word frequency history

    Inflected form



    sporadic | unpredictable | atypical | random | intermittent | temporary | maverick | unorthodox | guerilla | guerrilla | insurgent | second (total: 12)



    Narrower terms

    Maquis | Maquisard | urban guerrilla

    Broader terms

    warrior | merchandise | product | ware (total: 4)


(based on typical American pronunciation)

    Lexically close words



    (none among common words)


    on an irregular basis


    Mandarin Chinese: | 不固定的 (adjective)
Hindi: | अनियमित (adjective)
Arabic: | غَيْرُ مُنتَظِم (adjective)
Spanish: | irregular (heartbeat) | irregular (shape) | irregular (behavior) | aberrante (aberrant) | anormal (aberrant) | anómalo (aberrant) | raro (aberrant) | irregular (aberrant)
French: | irrégulier (heartbeat) | irrégulier (shape) | irrégulier (behavior) | aberrant (aberrant) | anormal (aberrant) | irrégulier (aberrant)

    Other notable uses | | | | (total: 5)

    Crossword puzzle clues

    Like some verbs | Like the verb

    Scrabble score

    10 (International English) | 10 (North American English)

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